BJP to stage protest against attack on MP Arjun Singh

02 September,2019 10:50 AM IST |  Barrackpore  |  ANI

On Sunday, Singh accused TMC workers of vandalising his car and capturing his party office in North 24 Parganas district

Bharatiya Janata Party MP from Barrackpore Arjun Singh injured during a protest, in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal. Pic/ PTI

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is observing a 12-hour bandh on Monday in Barrackpore city of North 24 Parganas district from 6 am to 6 pm to protest against the alleged attack on party MP Arjun Singh. As part of the protest, BJP workers were seen marching with party flags and raising slogans against the ruling TMC government. "Mamata Banerjee cannot digest our party MP Arjun Singh's victory from Barrackpore. People in Barrackpore and Bhatpara are being harassed all the time. Yesterday, our BJP MP was attacked by TMC goons.

His car was vandalised. He got hurt on his head during lathi-charge by the police," Sonprasad Chaudhary, one of the protesters, told reporters here. "He (Singh) is undergoing treatment in a hospital. We have called a 12-hour bandh to protest against this act," he added. Large numbers of police personnel have also been deployed in the area to maintain law and order.

On Sunday, Singh accused TMC workers of vandalising his car and capturing his party office in North 24 Parganas district when he was on his way to a blood donation camp.

"I was attacked and my car was also vandalised. People were protesting peacefully. Police Commissioner Manoj Verma abused me. My residence is also being vandalised," he said, alleging that there was no "security or law and order" in the area.

Bharatiya Janata Party MP from Barrackpore Arjun Singh injured during a protest, in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal

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