After recovering from COVID-19, Dharmendra Pradhan donates plasma

03 October,2020 09:15 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

It is immensely satisfying to do my bit towards the fight against the #COVID-19 pandemic, tweeted Pradhan

Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan. Pic/Twitter Dharmendra Pradhan

Union Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Saturday donated blood plasma for the treatment of serious Covid-19 patients at SCB Medical College and Hospital in Cuttack.

After recovering from the disease, he donated plasma at SCB plasma bank.

"Donated plasma at SCB Medical College and Hospital at Cuttack today. It is immensely satisfying to do my bit towards the fight against the #COVID-19 pandemic," tweeted Pradhan.

The minister also urged all Covid-19 recovered people to come forward and donate plasma to aid the treatment of Covid-19 patients and help defeat the novel coronavirus.

Pradhan had contracted Covid-19 in August.

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