Donald Trump slams Hillary Clinton for her remarks on his voters

21 March,2018 05:50 PM IST |  Washington  |  PTI

Clinton suggested that those who supported Trump did so because they didn't like black people getting rights, women getting jobs or Indian-American succeeding more than them

Donald Trump. Pic/AFP

US President Donald Trump has slammed Hillary Clinton for her remarks on his voters in India last week, saying Democrats still think that loyal citizens who care about jobs and borders and security are "deplorable". Trump's remarks came after Clinton said in a speech that women have to get approval from their husbands, their sons, and their male bosses to vote for Trump.

In her remarks, Clinton suggested that those who supported Trump did so because they didn't like black people getting rights, women getting jobs or Indian-American succeeding more than them. "You know, you didn't like black people getting rights. You don't like women, you know, getting jobs. You don't want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are. Whatever your problem is, I am going to solve it," the 2016 US presidential candidate had said during a conclave in Mumbai.

"We do not do well with white men and we don't do well with married, white women, and part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should," Clinton had said last week. Trump, 71, slammed 70-year-old Clinton, saying that was not a "good statement".

"Not good," Trump said amidst laughter and applause at the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner. "I would say her last statement about women -- they have to get approval from their husbands, their sons, and their male bosses to vote for Trump. That was not a good statement," Trump said. "The truth is the Democrats have never been more vulnerable because they've lost touch with normal everyday working people," Trump said. "Democrats haven't learned. They still think the loyal citizens who care about jobs and borders and security are deplorable."

Trump was talking about Clinton's fundraiser speech weeks before the 2016 presidential election, where she called half of his supporters "deplorables." "The problem is she said so many of my people were deplorable and you know the next day I made a speech and everybody is wearing 'I am deplorable.' I said, 'There is something going on here.' That was not a good word to use. You have to be careful in politics, right?" Trump said.

Trump claimed that her Democrat colleagues have distanced themselves from her. "You notice how fast the Democrats have run from these statements now? They are disavowing those statements like I've never heard before. "She's wrong, people that were her biggest supporters are now saying, What is she doing? Why doesn't she just go home? But that was not a good statement," Trump said.

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