Court directs Shimla Municipal Corporation to save water

30 May,2018 10:00 AM IST |  Shimla  |  ANI

The court has also directed the state government and the Shimla Municipal Corporation to not allow any water supply for building construction and car washing

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Shimla: Himachal Pradesh High Court has directed the Shimla Municipal Corporation not to distribute water through tankers. The court has also directed the state government and the Shimla Municipal Corporation to not allow any water supply for building construction and car washing.

The court has taken a suo moto cognizance in the matter due to extreme water scarcity in the town and has given order taking the Public Interest Litigation (PIL) which is pending with the high court for past two years.

With Shimla staring at an acute water shortage, residents have posted messages on social media, urging tourists not to come to the hill city.

The Shimla administration has also postponed a major tourist attraction, International Shimla Summer Festival, scheduled from June 1 to 5 due to the scarcity of water in the town.

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