Close shave for woman and her children in West Bengal

14 March,2018 09:52 PM IST |  Alipurduar (WB)  |  PTI

A 35-year-old woman and her two children, both infants, were injured after a truck lost control and crashed into their hut in Alipurduar district, police said today

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A 35-year-old woman and her two children, both infants, were injured after a truck lost control and crashed into their hut in Alipurduar district, police said today.

The incident happened at Locoshed Choupati area near Alipurduar junction station yesterday, the police said. The woman's hut, located beside the road, was damaged.

The woman and her children received minor injuries, a police officer said, adding that locals took them to a hospital. All the three were released from the hospital after they were administered first aid, the police officer said. The truck was seized and its driver arrested, he said.

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