Mumbai local train services across all six lines were delayed on Tuesday afternoon after a lorry carrying construction sand got stranded at the level crossing gate near Diva station. Pics/Rajendra B. Aklekar
Updated On: 2024-12-31 06:58 PM IST
Compiled by : Asif Ali Sayed
The incident occurred when the after a lorry carrying construction sand got stranded at the level crossing gate near Diva station
Attempting to cross the level crossing, the driver found that his vehicle kept turning left, leading to a reversal and ultimately detaining the lorry at the crossing
As the lorry was stuck, the level crossing gate remained open for an extended period, affecting the flow of trains
The vehicle eventually managed to pass through the gate but broke down immediately after, further blocking the crossing
It resulted in a nearly ten-minute delay in suburban train services as the railway authorities struggled to clear the obstruction