As Mumbai deals with heavy rains, BMC has undertaken the task of filling potholes across the city. As per BMC's data, the civic body has received 229-pothole-related complaints through its 'Pothole Fixit' mobile application. Almost 80 per cent of complaints have been received between June 30 and July 6. Meanwhile, IMD has issued a red alert for Mumbai and its suburbs for the next 24 hours. All Pics/Satej Shinde
Updated On: 2022-07-08 06:23 PM IST
Mumbai has been witnessing heavy rains since July 4 and the process to fill potholes is already underway
Due to potholes and bad roads, traffic movement has been affected across the city
BMC had unveiled an annual budget of Rs 45,949 crore for 2022-23. It is to be noted that BMC is India's richest civic body
An official overseeing the pothole filling process at Aarey Market in Mumbai
IMD has predicted red alert for Mumbai and its suburbs for next 24 hours