Two women Maoists surrender in Gadchiroli

28 June,2024 06:09 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Agencies

A total of 21 cases are registered against Narote, comprising 10 related to encounters, one each of arson and abduction and nine related to other offences

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Two women Maoists carrying a cumulative reward of Rs 16 lakh on their heads surrendered in Maharashtra's Gadchiroli district on Thursday, an official said.

A release from the office of the superintendent of police identified them as Bali alias Rambatti alias Zarina Narote, 28, and Shashikala alias Chandrakala alias Manisha Uike, 29, both platoon party committee members of the proscribed Communist Party of India (Maoist) company number 10.

The surrender of these two women, with rewards of Rs 8 lakh each on their heads, comes within a week of DKSZCM (Dandkaranya Special Zonal Committee Member) Giridhar, who was the district's top Maoist, and his wife Sangeeta Usendi laying down arms.

"A total of 21 cases are registered against Narote, comprising 10 related to encounters, one each of arson and abduction and nine related to other offences. Uike has eight cases against her name, of which six are related to encounters," the official said.

As part of the surrender-cum-rehabilitation policy of the state government in force since 2005, the two will get Rs 5 lakh each, adding that authorities will take all efforts to help those who will shun violence, join the mainstream and embrace democracy, he said.

Due to intensified anti-Maoist efforts of the police, 19 hardcore Maoists have surrendered in Gadchiroli since 2022, police said.

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