21 February,2025 08:30 AM IST | Mumbai | Hemal Ashar
Father Joshan Rodrigues (left), editor of the Catholic newsweekly The Examiner; and Father Joe D’Souza, parish priest at Our Lady of Health Church, Cavel, Kalbadevi, said the catholic community has been continuously praying for the pope’s health. Pics/Shadab Khan
Even as Pope Francis spent his eighth day in a Rome hospital battling pneumonia, reports oscillated between hope and concern. The Archdiocese of Bombay has circulated a communication amongst Mumbai parishes titled âRequesting prayers for the speedy recovery of Pope Francis'. The one page circular dated February 19 is signed by Savio Fernandes, Auxiliary Bishop, and Archdiocese of Bombay.
It read: "I am writing to you on behalf of Archbishop John Rodrigues, who has instructed me to send this circular to you. With deep concern and filial love, we have received the news of the illness of our Holy Father, Pope Francis. As members of the universal Church united in faith and charity, we are called to support our Holy Father with our prayers, asking the Lord to grant him strength, healing and a swift recovery."
"We earnestly request all parishes, religious communities, and families to offer special prayers for the Holy Father. Let us remember him in the Holy Eucharist, in our Rosaries, and in personal and communal devotions," it added.
"You could organise a half hour prayer on Friday, February 21, and pray especially for Pope Francis' health, and/or include an intention in the Prayer of the Faithful on Sunday, February 23. May Our Blessed Mother, Health of the Sick, intercede for him, and may the Lord, the Divine Healer, restore him to full health so that he may continue to shepherd the Church with wisdom and love," the circular further read.
Father Joe D'Souza, parish priest at Our Lady of Health Church, Cavel Kalbadevi, said, "We parishioners prayed for the Pope on Thursday morning too. We have told families to include him in their Rosary."
Father Joshan Rodrigues, St Francis Xavier Church, Charni Road, and editor of the Catholic newsweekly The Examiner, said, "The Pope has been in the hospital since February 14, with doctors stating he has been diagnosed with double pneumonia. However, the good news is that his condition is gradually improving. Reports stated he had breakfast sitting up yesterday, read a few newspapers, and then got a little work done with his closest collaborators. He was also visited by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The entire Catholic community continues to pray for him and his quick recovery with great fervour and resolve."
"This position (referring to the circular) is also reflected on our official website. The Archdiocese upholds the conviction that prayer is never harmful but inherently constructive. We continue to include the Pope in our prayers, affirming that all outcomes reside within God's providence, whose wisdom and will transcend human understanding," the Archdiocese spokesperson summed up.