Mumbai weather update: Arabian Sea temp could be reason behind weak rains

17 June,2024 06:45 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Prasun Choudhari

Weather officials say variations in the Arabian Sea’s temperature and atmospheric conditions might be a reason for disappearing rain

Youngsters take refuge from the scorching sun at Marine Drive, on Sunday. Pic/Shadab Khan

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Mumbai's monsoon season started with a bang, but ever since, the rains seem to have vanished. The initial days of the monsoon brought heavy showers, raising hopes for a season of ample water supply and lush greenery. However, the subsequent few days have seen a surprising lull, with the city experiencing an unusual dry spell.

Meteorologists are attributing this abrupt change to shifting weather patterns. Experts from IMD stations in Mumbai suggest that variations in the Arabian Sea's temperature and atmospheric conditions might be one reason for disappearing rains and weak monsoon currents lately.

A woman uses an umbrella as protection against the sun, in Bandra. Pic/Shadab Khan

Sunil Kamble, director of the Colaba metrological station run by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) told mid-day, "Monsoon currents are currently weak in Mumbai. According to available data, they will become stronger by June 19 or 20 and the city will soon experience showers."

According to the IMD website, from June 1, the Colaba and Santacruz IMD stations have recorded 197.6 mm and 128 mm of rainfall respectively. But within the past 24 hours, both stations recorded 0 mm of rainfall. The annual rainfall recorded at Colaba and Santacruz is 201.2 mm and 150.31 mm respectively.

A radar animation image depicting monsoon current intensity (dark blue portion) around Mumbai between 1.30 pm and 4.30 pm on June 16

According to the IMD, Mumbai received rainfall in the normal range in the week ending on June 12. The city and suburban districts witnessed 3.8 mm and 11.5 mm more rainfall than the respective predicted figures. Palghar district received 30.9 mm excess rainfall while Thane district recorded 15.2 mm excess rainfall.

An IMD source said, "Both districts in Mumbai are expected to receive strong monsoon currents from June 19. Southwest monsoon currents are set to become stronger by this date."

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