31 December,2024 09:42 PM IST | Mumbai | Shirley Bose
Shirley Bose
March 21 - April 20
2025 can be a good year provided the mind is kept calm, with you just dealing with work, leaving one-upmanship to others, just allowing work to speak for itself, as no one doubts your capabilities and intelligence. Physical health needs careful and weekly monitoring, especially the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Relationships can be excellent if mercurial temper is kept in check. Be willing to overlook small issues for the sake of peace of mind. Don't keep reviewing issues that happened ten years ago as your present can be so good.
Physical & mental health
Physical health remains good, except those who are suffering from high blood pressure or cholesterol issues need to make sure medication is taken on time and regularly. Do get enough sleep on a regular basis. Mental health depends on how much you are willing to control a trigger temper which also gets you into unnecessary confrontations with people.
Horoscope today, January 4: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs
Horoscope today, January 3: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs
Horoscope today, January 2: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs
Horoscope today, January 1: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs
Don’t plan a baby yet! 2025 horoscope reveals surprises you never saw coming!
Love & relationships
Singles enter a karmic phase for beginning a new relationship. Go easy with this, keeping enthusiasm and a competitive spirit in check, or the relationship may begin developing issues that aren't even important (February, March and November send a danger signal).
Relationships are as good or as difficult as you make them, since a hyper mind-set insists you have the last word, and that word can be very hurtful: which is a pity since there's a generosity of spirit that gets ignored by you.
Finance & career
The first half of the year is good for income, except April, when there are too many unexpected expenses or you lose a large amount of money by making wrong investments.
Updating working skills is a good idea, as then you can apply for a slightly higher position in the organisation. June is especially good for career as past achievements are recognised by the boss. January, February, June and August are auspicious if seeking employment.
Cosmic tip
Maintain a positive mind-set to achieve much more than your formidable capabilities; but don't try to manipulate circumstances to bring the outcome required, as the universe sees all and knows all. Karmic justice prevails for each and every person, and you too, will receive it when the time is right.
April 21 - May 20
Life keeps you guessing for a while till there's clarity. What will bring this clarity is you being patient and relaxed through all uncertain one-ways, ending up at a destination you've always wanted for yourself. Health is good, but older Taureans need to take better care of bone health. Those who have a tendency to upper respiratory tract issues find these episodes are lessened to quite an extent.
Relationships for both married and single Taureans keeps them speculating exactly where they are headed (don't over-think, taking life in your easy-going stride).
Physical & mental health
Sturdy Taureans experience overall good health, but nothing disturbs that balance of mind and body like the feeling of being unappreciated. Large doses of praise and hugs go a long way in keeping them healthy. Older Taureans need to take better care of bone health.
A positive mind-set through 2025 keeps mental health strong and confident. So many new beginnings can also confuse you (in a good way), setting the stage for major changes in life.
Love & relationships
Changes that throw you off-guard because of their sheer magnitude, makes this a year of major transformations and re-slotting life into different segments, especially for singles. Married Taureans see a beautiful year beginning that lasts till April, after which, there appear to be major ups and downs which settle only by November. Singles meet their karmic soul-mate early on in the year and the only person you need to convince that is the right person is yourself. What makes it more difficult (or easier) is the sheer onslaught of love and affection shown to you.
Finance & career
Most Taureans are born with the ability to multiply money (no doubt these are memories from a previous lifetime) and this year, they make three excellent investments. Except for February and August, the year is excellent for business people. Employed Taureans might opt for an alternative career after giving the matter enough thought. Others can expect a raise in salary after June.
Cosmic tip
Be open to changes even though you have no idea what the universe has in store for you. It will only be something positive.
May 21-June 21
A year of self-created anxieties begins. What needs to be remembered is not to get into a tizzy, trying to set things right when all is well. There's no problem as long as you maintain a calm and focused mind. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious food to reflect inner serenity on your face. Relationships continue being question marks as the mind oscillates between two people. Trust is a major factor in a committed relationship to keep it strong. Married Geminis enjoy being in a happy state of mind. Regularly making wise investments, not splurging unnecessarily goes a long way in stabilizing finances.
Physical & mental health
Be aware if gradually piling on kilos even though you don't overeat, mostly staying with a healthy diet and exercise routine. There's a low phase in March, April and October, when consulting a doctor about it is beneficial and how to deal with this slight downward trend in mental health. Introspection and consultations with the doctor helps conclude this mind-set is due to a raise in body weight.
Love & relationships
Singles are only platonic friends with two people they like equally, though they are as different as chalk and cheese. But what's the hurry in deciding whom you like better? It's also obvious you don't want to give a commitment to either. Those in a pledged relationship must learn to trust unconditionally to keep the relationship steady, as there is a chance of a break-up either in March, July or September. Married Geminis continue holding onto a happy-go-lucky mindset, enjoying togetherness.
Finance & career
Having a healthy bank balance depends on you and how finances are managed on a daily basis. Separating wants from needs is the first step towards building up a corpus that increases as time goes by. Sale of family property is delayed once again. Self-employed Geminis need to work harder and with focus to bag all those prestigious projects. February, March, June, July and December are excellent for business and signing new contracts/ assignments. Employed Geminis may feel stressful karmic undercurrents, wondering if their job is safe.
Cosmic tip
Don't rush to sort out issues if there's slight rumbling in the background. Waiting till there's clarity reveals calm wisdom and a desire to make correct decisions: not ones made with anxiety as the thread pulling you in the wrong direction.
June 22 - July 23
Valuable lessons are learned as you realise what creates good health and what ensures mental health remains positive and strong. There's also a bitter lesson to learn about not everyone lives up to their promises; but such is life. Allowing relationships to evolve as they are meant to, helps keep the mind calm and also accept that life doesn't always go in the desired direction. It's important to introspect, being willing to compromise if the occasion so demands it. Overall income increases, as do opportunities to change the job or find employment. Travel for business increases slightly since it is just as easy to conduct business negotiations via video conferencing, though sometimes actual physical presence makes a difference.
Physical & mental health
Health is good except in February, April, May and December (these may be just minor stomach upsets). Try your best not to worry about circumstances that can't be changed even though you were given a lot of false promises. Guard mental health by consciously not worrying or wanting to get even with someone who has let you down.
Love & relationships
Singles are introduced to someone who friends feel would be a good long-term partner/ spouse: the only hitch is, the person lives overseas and you aren't enamoured with the idea of relocating abroad. However, there's nothing time-bound about this friendship, so let it evolve naturally. Those in a confirmed monogamous relationship enjoy being together till July and then, for some reason there are too many quibbling arguments and fights. Acknowledge the real reason for this turnaround.
Married Cancereans would rather be diplomatic, not looking for trouble where none exists (so far). Speak up if there's a time when there's cause for worry.
Finance & career
Income increases, whether due to a raise in salary or a promotion. January to July are excellent for signing new clients who increase the profit index.
April, May and July are positive months if looking for a change of job or seeking employment. Self-employed Cancereans can look forward to a great year, but also be prepared for slight lows in business in August and October. Travel for business negotiations increases marginally, especially overseas. Employed Cancereans continue being the blue-eyed person at work, with important projects being assigned to them.
Cosmic tip
Don't neglect relationships in a bid to earn more and more money. Positive karma is incurred by valuing people, especially family.
July 24 - Aug. 23
Overall health is better in 2025 as long basic health is taken care of and any signs the body sends aren't ignored. Mental health is in top shape, but keep that temper under check, especially since there's a tendency to say more than is required when angry. Relationships require diplomatic handling, especially when something is wrong, but you don't know what it is and don't want to ask either. Financially this is a good year, even with so much extra expense that comes in. Property can be sold if you want, but don't go out of your way to sell it; consider this option when a buyer gets in touch. It's a slightly difficult year for the company if employed, but just do better than your best to be retained by the big boss.
Physical & mental health
Keeping blood pressure under control is important, as is maintaining a healthy diet, as recommended. Older Leos need to monitor joint pains, taking better care of bone health. The Tarot gives a clean chit for mental health as you tend to vent about what's bothering you, not keeping it all bottled in. however, be aware when anger is excessive compared to the issue at stake.
Love & relationships
News received (or heard about) is a little alarming and the only option is to wait patiently till a sensitive subject can be broached. This is the time when you wish someone younger, but wiser than you was around (that's what you believe) to give advice. Proceed with utmost caution whether single, married, in a relationship or just considering someone as a potential long-term partner. Saying as little as possible works to your advantage; however difficult that may be. Love life is calmer and less stressful by May. Patiently work through these days.
Finance & career
A good year financially, though there are bouts of extra expenses in January, April through June, August and September, which you deal with admirably. July is good for selling property, especially one you've bought with your own money, but consider it only when several offers come in. It's an up and down time for career (the company) with too much politics happening (stay away from it) and people being given the pink slip. Make sure your work is exceptionally good. Be extra efficient.
Cosmic tip
There are times when maintaining silence works better than stating clearly what's on your mind. There's no question of being forgiven if you've wisely kept silent.
August 24- September 23
The most important aspect for Virgos is that health sees a turn for the better, especially in daily life. Try and go for a walk as often as is possible, as work keeps you so busy too. Mental health is good since God has gifted you a strong mind and nerves that help cope with anything. It's important to spend time alone introspecting, or learning a new skill like music or singing. Relationships flourish, provided you deal with issues in a mature manner. Though there is work coming in regularly, but it's less than as in 2024. The company as a whole shows an upward moving profit graph.
Physical & mental health
January, February and March are extra busy, so there's a need to make sure the diet remains optimum, with you getting enough sleep so energy levels allow dealing with work pressures easily. Digestion issues ease off and with it health improves.
Exercising regularly and doing meditation keeps mental health good. Along with this, spending time in introspection brings further clarity.
Love & relationships
The relationship with your spouse/ partner is good, except in May/June, September and November when there can be arguments over the tiniest issue. Luckily you both manage to resolve them, also realizing the futility of allowing small issues to create turmoil. Fortunately, the basic relationship is strong. Those not married, but in a relationship need to keep the relationship from falling apart at the seams, which you manage to do very easily.
Finance & career
Being naturally careful about spending habits, the Virgo frugality is evident this year. Employed Virgos are given to believe there's a raise in salary sometime in 2025, but it may not materialize this year, so don't be disappointed. On the other hand, a promotion (at least in name) is a pleasant surprise. Those in a business have a good year, except for a few months here and there when not much new work comes in: which is quite normal. Virgos seeking employment are in a positive time-span from January to March to be able to land a job (of course you have to apply for a job first).
Cosmic tip
Remain rooted in reality, only concentrating on work to be completed. You may not want to socialize much, but that's alright too. Consciously try to keep spiritual lessons learnt so far in mind, learning from further lessons the universe wants you to master.
September 24 - October 22
A year of facing certain truths you've been either ignoring or sweeping under the carpet raise their heads again, forcing you to face them unflinchingly. Some difficult decisions need a mind filled with clarity and knowing what is right according to karma and what might bring repercussions you'd rather not face. So, think calmly, only doing what is right and just letting the rest be. Someone from the past gets in touch, but too much time has elapsed, with you not being interested any more; but at least speak pleasantly with the person. Business and career move ahead seamlessly, so just focus on doing the work every day as had been planned out the day before.
Physical & mental health
Librans with long-term lifestyle issues need to take better care of health, following the doctor's advice and remembering to take medication on time. Dealing with family issues could be stressful, so discussing issues calmly helps keep mental health on a good plane, with no unnecessary ups and downs in the mood.
Love & relationships
April, October and November can be troubled months if not willing to see the other person's point of view. For some there are new beginnings from January itself and the relationship getting off to a good start augers well for the rest of the year. Those who are facing issues with the spouse/ partner must do all they can to heal the rift as quickly as possible, taking professional help if need be. September onwards begins an auspicious time for getting married, especially those who have been in a relationship for some time.
Finance & career
Self-employed Librans may consider beginning another business in the first half of the year or diversifying the present one to cover two more aspects of it. A partnership with one person, though sounds good, but over time there might be too many differences of opinion and the manner of conducting business. Employed Librans periodically consider it to be better being self-employed, thinking up various ideas and adding more to the list, but unable to decide on one. Keeping all aspects in mind, it's better to be in a job where at least you know where it's headed and what's expected of you. There may be an increase in salary after March.
Cosmic tip
Maintain a small circle of friends, valuing a private life over socializing endlessly. A peaceful mind and a happy heart are invaluable allies.
October 23 - November 22
2025 is certainly better than the last year and there won't be so many shocks or difficult situations to deal with, as long as you concentrate on your own work, not getting involved in grapevine gossip at work; then it could just spiral out of control, with no way of righting it either. Though health is better than the previous year, digestive issues may gradually emerge, forcing you to make better lifestyle changes. Do get adequate sleep every night and drink enough water to remain hydrated (don't overdo it either). Try not to get obsessed with issues, dealing with them to the best of your ability.
Love and relationships thrive, with new beginnings for some Scorpios. Financially, 2025 is better for most Scorpios.
Physical & mental health
Digestive issues may emerge due to a busy and erratic lifestyle. Supplement the diet as advised by your doctor or a dietician. Older Scorpios need to take care of bone health.
In many ways mental health is better than it has been in the past due to crazy work pressures, which are fortunately over. One way to preserve mental health is not to overthink issues as they arise (which they do for every one).
Love & relationships
Scorpios already in a relationship continue to be totally under the spell of the love god, and singles meet someone with whom there's an immediate rapport and awesome chemistry. Married Scorpios are true in their love for the spouse, but sometimes life and living does take a toll, making them turn each other in their frustrations. Be especially careful in July, August, September and December.
2025 is an auspicious year for relationships to remain grounded in love, mutual respect, showering each other with loving words of how precious they are to them.
Finance & career
There is an overall increase in income, especially for self-employed Scorpios that continues through the year. Those seeking employment enter a positive karmic cycle from July. Scorpios wanting to change their job must ensure an alternate job is in place before handing in their resignation. Travel increases for those who have their own business; fortunately this is something you enjoy. Profits increase.
Career/ business is in a positive phase, but be careful from April onwards, being extra careful about not getting involved in petty work related politics. The outcome isn't petty if you are tempted to take sides.
Cosmic tip
Rule over your emotions. A calm mind can deal with any situation.
November 23 - December 22
Physical health requires the most basic looking after and mental health keeps you on your toes. Don't let small issues work you up so much and try to sort out a friendship as quickly as possible. Singles need to be patient about meeting their soul mate who appears after August. Couples must choose words cautiously if angry, being liable to say more than they should. After February 2025, a positive financial time will begin. Those seeking employment can begin sending their bio-data to different organizations after May. Some may buy or sell a holiday home and also purchase a vehicle.
Physical & mental health
In 2025 there's need to be aware of exactly what you are consuming and the quantity, as there may be a tendency to pile on kilos. Try not to eat junk food, eating only foods that are easy to digest and âliver friendly'.
The past year has had its ups and downs, so you've learnt to cope with life changing suddenly and equally suddenly being right side up. A misunderstanding with a friend may take a turn for the worse, so initiate conversation about it if the friend is suddenly incommunicado or doesn't accept phone calls.
Love & relationships
Love plays hid-n-seek till August, so wait patiently if single and be extra careful about what you say to your spouse/ partner as a simple discussion could escalate. Keep bubbling angry words under control. There's no need to get ego involved in a straightforward conversation or matter, so take a philosophical view of life. Be extra careful in May, June and December to keep relationships loving and on track.
Finance & career
From February 2025 begins a more auspicious time for most Sagittarians, especially those who are trying to get a business to move ahead a little faster.
What you must avoid is investing in schemes that sound good, but won't give assured returns; in fact it may actually be a scam.
Those feeling financially insecure can look forward to a better time from May, and if seeking employment, then this is a good time to send out CVs to as many companies as you can think of.
Buying a vehicle has been a consideration for a while now and after October is a good time to go ahead.
Sagittarians who already have a second holiday home might be considering selling that and buying something else.
Cosmic tip
Ignore advice from someone who doesn't live the kind of a life you want to.
December 23 - January 20
Work may overwhelm sometimes, but be aware it's good to have too much work, rather than very little. This is also a compliment which reveals conscientiousness and hard work. Don't allow increased income or a promotion to be the only guiding force at work (all that will manifest when the time is right).
Maintaining good health depends on you since this is a daily on-going process which requires will power and dedication (both of which you have in plenty). Learn de-stressing methods.
Those in a troubled marriage/ relationship may decide to separate, but wiser counsel propels them for marital counselling which helps a great deal in stabilizing the relationship. Singles meet their karmic soul mate. Taking the relationship to the next level is revealed for those in a committed relationship.
Physical & mental health
Practise the most elementary rules for good health; eat nutritious food, exercise, get enough sleep and drink adequate amounts of water.
Being aware of having inherited a genetic disease needs a total lifestyle change and guidance from a doctor.
High amounts of stress could contribute to mental health issue, so learn a (or several) de-stressing methods to keep mental health strong.
Love & relationships
Capricorns wanting to separate from their spouse/ partner have second thoughts about it, deciding to go for couple's therapy instead, which helps steer the relationship back to firmer ground. Once this is achieved, they have to be careful about following the therapist's advice about how to keep the relationship stable and loving. Singles enter a karmic cycle of meeting their soul mate after August. This relationship begins in a strange manner. Those planning to take their relationship to the next level could get engaged.
Finance & career
Income increases after July and some also receive news of a promotion. Self-employed Capricorns, or those who do free-lance work find more work comes in regularly after March. Take up even the smallest project offered, as the next one will be bigger. Starting a new partnership after June is still a question mark, as so far you've avoided partnerships. Let it be if still unsure.
Those seeking employment finally have two job offers from which they have to decide (either one of them is good enough). Asking for a raise in salary is not advisable till October, after which choose the time properly to approach the boss for this.
Cosmic tip
Stop overthinking as it's not possible to control every aspect in life. Wisdom is in knowing what can be changed and what you need to let go or just accept it as a part of life.
January 21 - February 19
The best way to deal with daily stress is to make lifestyle changes that improve life at an unseen karmic level, making it easier to deal with life's natural ebbs and flows. Physical and mental health remain fine as long as you actively incorporate changes advised. Not allowing jealousy and mistrust to get the better of you is something you should think about in a sane and practical manner. Could it be you are over-reacting to something which is not as it seems? Other relationships (family/ friends) continue to be good.
2025 is a good year financially with the financial portfolio growing gradually. Making regular investments every month is a good way to save money.
Physical & mental health
This is an excellent year to give up any habits you know will only cause health issues later on in life. Increasing your will power, or your "won't power" is something you'll be glad about. Try and maintain a daily regular regime: waking up early, eating health improving foods, exercising, making time for relaxation and going to sleep at regular timings.
Mental health can be good or not good, depending on how you put life in order, maintaining discipline and praying regularly.
Love & relationships
Aquarians in a committed relationship or are married must learn to trust their spouse/ partner implicitly, unless proved otherwise; and even then, talk it out instead of making hurtful comments or stonewalling. January, February and September could be tumultuous if care is not taken to keep the relationship on course.
The relationship with family and friends continues being mutually supportive and close. A family celebration is something to look forward to.
Finance & career
Increasing the investment portfolio by investing in different schemes, as well as in property works for you. Financially, 2025 is a good year, especially for those who earn a percentage of interest coming in for clients. Overall, career for Aquarians enter a karmic cycle of an increase in income/ or-and, a promotion after July. You don't have to bring up this topic with the boss as everyone is aware and appreciates your focus and dedication towards work.
Cosmic tip
Don't make impulsive decisions or jump to totally erroneous reasons when life doesn't go your way, or someone promises to get in touch, but doesn't. In life, nothing is written in stone. Learn to move fluidly from one karmic cycle to another.
February 20 - March 20
What's most important for Pisceans is learning to live in the present moment, not allowing past memories to colour present day issues. Health is better in 2025 as long as you maintain a simple diet, drink enough water and make sure to get enough sleep every night.
Love and relationships could see some rough weather if issues are just swept under the carpet. Talk them through finding a middle ground that works for both. Those in a new relationship may focus on dissimilarities instead of the positive aspects. Take the relationship one day at a time, keeping lines of communication open.
Financially 2025 is a good year, so make regular investments. A raise in salary is possible. Pisceans who plan on being self-employed at some point of time, must not rush into it, considering pros and cons realistically. Several good projects are negotiated, increasing profits for the company. Travel increases marginally.
Physical & mental health
Health is better in 2025 as long as Pisceans take medical advice as soon as they begin feeling unwell, which may be just a simple cough and cold or a stomach upset. Eating easy to digest food is best for (sometimes) high strung Pisceans, who must also remember to drink enough water during the day. Remember to carry daily medication when traveling, though it's not that much. In any case, you prefer going home and sleeping in your own bed instead of in impersonal hotel rooms.
Mental health remains good as long as you don't keep dwelling on the past which is in the past. Learning to live in today and the present moment proves to be invaluable in keeping mental health good.
Love & relationships
Singles need to take the friendship slow if they've met someone new, with whom they feel a connection and have lots in common. However, as time progresses there may be areas of disagreements, so discussing them immediately is the thing to do, not allowing doubts to fester and spoil it all. Those in a committed relationship but not legally married may still face periods of doubt and indecisiveness. Married Pisceans must be careful in March, August, October and November when little issues may be blown out of proportion.
Finance & career
A raise in salary/ more business coming in for the company shows profit graph go up. This trend continues till the end of the year. From March 2025, regular investments can be made, or rather, should be made, as this habit stands you in good stead over time. Those wanting to be self-employed must make careful plans, staying in the job till such time they feel confident of making the same kind of money, or more (usually Pisceans prefer to work at a job instead of managing a business). Business/ career is in a good phase in 2025. Travel increases marginally, but that doesn't matter to you since video conferencing is equally good as meeting personally. Closing several deals due to negotiation skills makes you feel so good.
Cosmic tip
Life can sometimes be a series of endings and new beginnings, so just learn to trust the universe, accepting whatever comes your way according to karma. Consciously do what is right, making ethical and wise decisions, no matter what others say.
The writer is a Mumbai-based tarot consultant. Catch her daily horoscope column in Mid-day. You can reach her at shirley.bose@mid-day.com