Juhu police station cop tests positive for COVID-19

16 April,2020 12:06 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

The cop was on leave as he had not been keeping well since the last few days

Police personnel stand in a queue outside a sanitization tunnel. Pic/ PTI

A constable attached to Juhu police station in Mumbai has tested positive for coronavirus, an official said on Thursday. Other police personnel who came in contact with the constable will also be tested, he said. The constable, a resident of Kandivali area here, was on leave as he had not been keeping well since the last few days. After he started showing symptoms of coronavirus, his test was conducted which came out positive on Wednesday, the official said.

He is currently admitted to a civic-run hospital. "The constable's test report has come out positive for coronavirus. Samples of seven to eight other officials, who came in contact with him, will also be sent for testing," Juhu police station's senior inspector Pandrinath Wavhal said.

Earlier this month, a sub-inspector attached to Kurar police station here also tested positive for coronavirus.

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