Mumbai: 4 held for cheating man of Rs 14.5 lakhs by promising to cure ailments

21 November,2023 07:23 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

A probe has found the gang had cheated at least six persons of several lakh rupees by promising to cure their ailments, including tumours, using the Unani and Ayurvedic streams of medicine, the official said

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Four persons were arrested by the Mumbai Crime Branch for allegedly cheating a man of Rs 14.50 lakh, an official said on Monday.

A probe has found the gang had cheated at least six persons of several lakh rupees by promising to cure their ailments, including tumours, using the Unani and Ayurvedic streams of medicine, the official said.

The probe began after a 61-year-old man approached Marine Drive police station saying four persons, one of whom posed as a Unani and Ayurvedic doctor, took Rs 14.50 lakh from him by promising a cure for his ailments, he added.

"The Crime Branch Unit III team zeroed in the four and found they hailed from Rajasthan. A team went to Malegaon in Nashik on a tip off and held main accused Mohammad Sheru Shaikh Maqsood and three others," he said.

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