Maharashtra: Woman strangles drunk husband to death in Thane district; held

06 August,2023 07:00 PM IST |  Thane  |  mid-day online correspondent

The victim was found dead in his house in Maharashtra Thane district on August 3 and his body was sent for post-mortem later, the police said

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A 38-year-old woman was arrested for allegedly killing her husband by beating him up and strangling him while he was in an inebriated state at a village in Maharashtra's Thane district, police said on Sunday, reported the PTI.

The police on Saturday arrested the accused Pranita Pravin More for the killing that took place on August 3 in Baneli village of Titwala town in Thane district, an official told the PTI.

The victim Pravin More (49) was found dead in his house on August 3 and his body was sent for post-mortem, senior inspector Jitendra Thakur of the Kalyan taluka police said.

While a case of accidental death was registered at the time, investigations revealed that the man had not died of natural causes, but was strangled, the official said.

Based on a complaint lodged by the victim's son, a case under section 302 (murder) of the IPC was registered against the accused and she was arrested, he said.

According to the police, the victim was an alcoholic and often quarreled with the accused, who was his second wife, the news agency reported on Sunday.

On the day of the incident, the man was in an inebriated state when the accused punched him and attacked him with a hard object before strangling him, the official said.

Meanwhile, in an another incident, the Navi Mumbai police have registered a case against four members of a family for allegedly verbally abusing and beating up two women over a petty dispute, an official told the PTI on Sunday.

A case under relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act was registered at Kharghar police station on Saturday for the alleged assault on a 27-year-old woman and her mother-in-law, sub-inspector Dyanoba Dulgande said, according to the PTI.

The victims and the accused live in the same residential building in Kharghar, he said.

The accused, including a couple and their two children, quarreled with the victim over a petty issue and verbally abused her and beat her up, the official said.

When the woman's mother-in-law intervened, she too was thrashed by them, he said, adding that no arrests have been made in the case and a probe is underway.

(with PTI inputs)

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