Woman shot at by husband and two accomplices

10 December,2018 10:08 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  IANS

The incident occurred at 8.30 a.m when the three assailants, including the deceased's husband Harkesh, were waiting for her on a bike in Mahipalpur in south-west Delhi

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A woman was on Monday shot at by her husband and his two accomplices allegedly over a domestic dispute, when she was returning after dropping her minor sons in a school in the national capital, police said.

The incident occurred at 8.30 a.m when the three assailants, including the deceased's husband Harkesh, were waiting for her on a bike in Mahipalpur in south-west Delhi. After an argument with the victim, Harkesh fired two shots at her.

"The victim, identified as Kavita, 28, suffered bullet injury in her shoulder and she collapsed on the busy road, after which the attackers fled the spot. Some locals later informed the police and she was rushed to a nearby hospital. She is undergoing treatment and is out of danger," Deputy Commissioner of Police Devender Arya said.

"During an investigation, it was found that Kavita and Harkesh got married some 10 years ago. Due to some domestic dispute with her husband, Kavita had been staying with her father and brother in Mahipalpur village for the last two years," Arya said.

"We have registered a case of attempt to murder against all the accused persons. They have been identified and a hunt is on to nab them," the officer added.

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