Banda police arrest man for alleged rape which took place 15 years ago

08 June,2020 10:47 AM IST |  Banda  |  PTI

On the complaint of a 28-year-old woman, that almost 15 years ago a youth had allegedly raped her, a 31-year-old man was arrested on Saturday

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Police here on Sunday said a man has been arrested for allegedly raping a woman almost 15 years ago. "On the complaint of a 28-year-old woman, that almost 15 years ago a youth had allegedly raped her, a 31-year-old man was arrested on Saturday.

Both the complainant and accused are married," Kotwali Police Station SHO Dinesh Singh said. Citing the complainant, the SHO said, "After marriage, she maintained physical relationship with the accused, as a result of which her husband left her. Till a few days ago, she was living with the accused as his second wife."

The woman alleged that two days ago, the youth kicked her out of the house after beating her, Singh said, and added that on Saturday, the woman turned up at the police station to register a rape case, which took place 15 years ago. The woman has been sent to district hospital for medical examination.

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