Recently, celebrated fashion designer Masaba Gupta took to Instagram and shared a throwback photo from her childhood and it was one of the cutest things we have come across. But there's much more to her than being a designer. A glance through her Instagram shows that the 30-year-old Mumbai personality has had a fun-filled childhood. (All photos: Masaba Gupta/Instagram )
Updated On: 2019-07-19 08:35 AM IST
Renowned fashion designer Masaba Gupta's Instagram is filled with breathtaking pictures from her exotic vacations to her latest collection and much more. But there's more to the 30-year-old ace designer, than just that.
Recently, she shared a throwback photo from her childhood and it was one of the cutest posts. The throwback photo is filled with love and innocence.
Giving a glimpse of her happy-go-lucky childhood, Masaba shared this throwback photo a day before Children's Day. In the photo, a young Masaba Gupta looks the other way, as she has a playful time with her father Sir Vivian Richards. While sharing this photo, Masaba wrote: Sweet but could bite! Sassy, we must say.
Masaba Gupta shared this aww-dorable photo of herself with her fans and followers. She wrote, "Ihope you never fear those mountains in the distance...!"
Masaba Gupta has always made a mark with her chic, glam and fabulous fashion choices. Giving a sneak-peek into her childhood, Masaba shared this picture where she is seen feeding a piece of cake to one of her friends on her birthday. Masaba captions this one: "I've had this 'eat that cake, b***h' look on my face since I was a child, clearly. Also Hi first friend. I miss the braided hair. Must do it again"
Masaba Gupta, who is the daughter of former West Indies cricketer Sir Vivian Richards and actress Neena Gupta, shared this beautiful mother-daughter photo on the occasion of her mom Neena's birthday. In the photo, a cute Masaba is seen looking into her Mother's eye as they set major mother-daughter goals.
In the photo, Masaba is seen wearing a red dress as she sports a cute look with her curly hair. While sharing the photo, Masaba wrote: "Pre-poop portrait. HUGE fan of baby me"
As a child at age 8, Masaba Gupta wanted to be a tennis player. However, she dropped the idea when she turned 16. In this phtoo, Masaba is seen brooming the floor as a child sporting a red t-shirt and a blue trouser. Masaba captions this one: "I have a feeling I twerked, a child!"
In this photo, she looks adorable in a blue, full-sleeve dress as she smiles for the camera. While sharing this photo, Masaba wrote: I look like those kids who throw in a cute, inviting smile and then bite you when you come close and/or throw the toy truck at you to blind you in one eye. Aahahahahahhahahhaahha!"
Masaba Gupta's journey to date has not been an easy one. She was raised by a single mother as her parents never got married. In the pic: A cute Masaba Gupta gets playful, as she hides her face with her hands.
While sharing this photo, Masaba shows her angry 'child' behaviour as she captions the photo: "While Soni aunty & Ila aunty look chic..I, of course, was about to lose my temper as a baby, on a box that didn’t open my way, while drowning in my own cheeks"
On the occasion of her close friend Alia Bhatt's birthday, Masaba Gupta took to Instagram to share a throwback picture where she is seen bonding with her friends over food as a child. In the pic, Masaba is caught in a candid moment as her friends binge on treats. Masaba captioned this one: Happy Happy Birthday, Aloo! This photo is proof that I'm the awkward, slightly off-center one & you are the happy, happier, happiest child there ever was. Here's a trip down memory lane
While sharing this picture with her fans and followers, Masaba Gupta showed everyone her cheeky side and wrote: Just got reminded by a friend, that Drake & I are actually brothers. #champagnepoppy *waiting for everyone to get their knickers in a knot thinking I spelt that wrong
While sharing this adorable picture of herself in her Afro hair, Masaba writes: Life was better as a kid with an Afro with 0 f***s to give that looked so stoned that people approached me with caution. Need to do a version of this ASAP. Watch this space for more I guess
In the pic, Masaba Gupta looks on cluelessly as she poses for the camera while playing with a teddy bear. While sharing the pic, Masaba captioned it: The morning after look
Since childhood, Masaba Gupta's life has been surrounded by family and friends. Over the years, these have been an integral and inseparable part of her life. While posing for a sweet picture with her friend Shaheen Bhatt, Masaba shared a leaf out of her childhood and wrote: Look what I found Shaheen Bhatt! Please note my dress. I was born a couturier
Sharing another 'Throwback Thursday' picture, Masaba Gupta got nostalgic and shared this cute picture of herself with her mom Neena Gupta. In the pic, Masaba Gupta shows traits similar to her mother as she gazes into the camera