Navigating financial planning as a couple: 6 key tips to follow

Financial planning helps a couple to live a harmonious life free from financial stress. Couples in a serious relationship heading in the direction of marriage must have a clear financial structure in place

Updated On: 2023-12-08 07:22 PM IST

Compiled by : Editor

Here are six expert tips that can help couples manage their finance together. Photo Courtesy: iStock

Discuss money and finance with your partner quite often or at least once a month. Being aligned on key financial matters is integral to the well-being of a relationship. 

Plan how much to save and how to spread it over the different asset classes, depending on the liquidity you need. Get into the habit of regular financial check-ins, and don't shy away from making room for individual goals. 

Keep your budget realistic and flexible, considering all your income sources and categorising the expenses. The idea is for each to take accountability and accordingly allocate funds for savings, emergencies, and personal discretionary spending. It is a straightforward act to avoid conflict. Reviewing and adjusting this budget regularly will ensure that each of you feels heard and seen in making financial decisions.

Distinguishing between common and individual expenses is vital. Joint responsibilities like rent payments, should be shared, while personal expenditures, such as phone EMIs, should come from personal budgets.

Implementing strategies, like joint accounts or dividing responsibilities for specific categories, helps in efficient financial management. Leveraging online tools and platforms can also streamline the process. 

Make allowances for each partner's aspirations, leisure time and career breaks, allowing flexibility in the financial plan and your shared future. To read more click here

Photos Courtesy: iStock

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