Young men spend more time viewing porn than women

22 April,2011 08:41 AM IST |   |  Agencies

A survey has found that young men spend an average of two hours a week viewing pornography on the internet, compared with just 15 minutes for young women

A survey has found that young men spend an average of two hours a week viewing pornography on the internet, compared with just 15 minutes for young women

The poll of more than 1,000 18 to 24-year-olds found one in four men feared they were watching too much.

One in three light users, who spent less than an hour a week viewing porn, said they had missed a deadline or appointment as a result.
But this figure rose to four out of five among the 4 pc who were heavy users watching more than 10 hours a week - a level described as "problematic and potentially compulsive" by doctors, the survey for BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat found.
"Those people spending large amounts of time accessing porn are not having more fun," the Daily Express quoted Dr Heather Wood, of the Portman Clinic, as saying.
"They are more worried about themselves, more worried about what they are looking at, and report more relationship problems," Wood added.
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