20 July,2023 08:33 PM IST | Mumbai | Advertorial
I'm going to tell you everything you need to know right now. This is a complete guide that will give you every piece of info you need to know to use Mega Clean to pass a drug test.
You'll learn what a detox drink should do, and how Mega Clean stacks up. I'll give you the full Mega Clean instructions you need to follow, with a couple of top tips on increasing your chances.
Plus, I'll run you through the three main scenarios could face for a drug test, and how Mega Clean will cope with each of them.
All that, plus I'll compare Mega Clean to other top brands of detox drink, give you a warning about Mega Clean detox drink near me searches, and where to buy Mega Clean at the best price.
Mega Clean is a detox drink made by company called Detoxify. It's one of around a dozen detoxification products the company makes.
Mega Clean is a full 32 fluid ounces detox drink that is a high level of potency, with enough proven ingredients in it to fulfil the effects that a good quality detox drink needs to achieve masking drug metabolites.
Detoxify make a wide range of products, but none is as good as Mega Clean. Some of them are really poor quality, containing only small amounts of detox liquid that simply cannot achieve what they claim, alongside poor quality detox pills.
That muddies the waters somewhat, because some people do negative reviews of Detoxify products, but people think Detoxify just means Mega Clean.
Overall then, although the company's product range is a little variable, Mega Clean is definitely the best product and is potent enough to help you pass a drug test.
To help you understand how good Mega Clean is, you have to understand what a detox drink actually does in the body.
Here are the key points you need to know:
Mega Clean is one of the few detox drinks that can achieve all of this. However, it's actually not the most potent that flushing out the toxins in the first place. Therefore, the gap in the toxin flow using Mega Clean won't be as long as using the top detox drink.
However, if you can clean out toxins in advance, or you have low levels of metabolites in your body on the day of your test because you are a light user, then Mega Clean is definitely one of the best all round detox drinks.
How well Mega Clean will detox your body, and for how long, will depend on how many drug metabolites you have in your body, and what your body metabolism are like.
For a light drug user, you're looking at the following timescales for getting rid of drug metabolites:
Although you will see variations on those times, the truth is that a very light drug user, someone who's taken drugs a couple of times in the past week, will be clean in four days.
But as drug metabolites build up in your body, it slows down. This is especially true for regular weed smokers, and those on long release benzos. For those types of drug it can be as long as two weeks, and for cannabis, as long as four weeks to get clean naturally.
For any drug with regular use, you are looking at seven days or longer to get clean, and often a day or two longer even for relatively moderate users.
As you are unlikely to get that much notice before a drug test, having a strategy to mask or remove the toxins to pass is essential.
These are the base instructions for using Mega Clean to mask the toxins so you can pass a drug test:
Let's talk you through the three scenarios under which you would use Mega Clean to pass a drug test, so you can match them to your current situation.
If you're really in trouble and facing an imminent drug test, and you don't have time to prepare with detoxification before the day, then you are going to be relying on Mega Clean alone.
All you can do in this circumstance is follow the basic instructions I have just given you, and hope for the best.
Mega Clean is potent, and it should give you some time toxin free. But be aware that for a heavy user, it could only be one or two hours clean, so get there and submit your sample fast.
The second scenario is that you are facing a drug test in the next two or three days. This will allow you to do a partial detoxification.
If you buy Mega Clean from Test Clear, you will get six pre-rid pills bundled in free. That will allow you to do a 24 hour detox on the day before your test.
You can also buy additional days of pills from Test Clear. They are called Toxin Rid, and even an additional one or two days of using them will work wonders.
This will push out a ton of toxins, meaning there are less in your body and the rate has slowed. When Mega Clean gets to work, it will leave a gap in the toxin flow that is longer than could be achieved on its own.
If you've got quite a few days notice, then even as a heavy smoker or benzo user, you could be clean to pass with an accelerated detox.
You'll use Toxin Rid pills as long as possible before the day of your test. They speed up the removal toxins by about 50%, so if it would take you 10 days to get clean naturally, then you'll be clean in four or five days using the pills.
Then, on the day of your test, as insurance policy, you'll use Mega Clean. You may not need it, even if you test negative with a home drug test, it's better to flush out any toxins approaching the kidneys to ensure that you pass.
There's only one other detox drink on the market that is in the same bracket as Mega Clean, and it's called Rescue Cleanse.
Rescue Cleanse is made by company called Clear Choice. They have incredible pedigree, also making Sub Solution and Quick Luck, the two best fake urine products, along with Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum.
Put all that together, and Clear Choice are the number one option for passing a urine or saliva drug test.
How does Rescue Cleanse stack up against Mega Clean? Well, it's the only product that is better when on its own.
It's more potent, and will flush out your system for longer. It's comparable in price on its own, and is therefore a better deal.
However, if you buy Mega Clean from Test Clear, you'll get those free pre-rid pills bundled in. As long as you've got 24 hours before your test, you can use those to detoxify. Then, on the day of your test, Mega Clean has less to do. That combo is more potent than Rescue Cleanse.
So straight up, Rescue Cleanse is slightly better. If you can get Mega Clean from Test Clear, and can do the pills for day, then it makes it a better option.
My advice is not to do that search for Mega Clean detox drink near me, as if you find it near you it will be overpriced.
The best place to buy Mega Clean direct from Test Clear. There are a few reasons for that:
Toxin Rid pill courses are also available from Test Clear. Even a single day can dramatically reduce the number of toxins flowing out of your body on the day of your test.
Plus, Test Clear also sell good quality, low-cost, home drug test panel kits. These cheap panel tests will give you a clue as to if you are going to test negative or not.
If you're looking for Rescue Cleanse as the best detox drink alternative, then it's available from Clear Choice. You can buy drug test kits from Clear Choice as well, but they don't have an alternative to the potent Toxin Rid pills.
Overall then, the conclusion of this review is that detoxify Mega Clean is the second best detox drink, and if you can get it from Test Clear with the pre-rid pills, and do a 24-hour detox on the day before your test, then it becomes the most potent single option for masking the toxins to pass a drug test.
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