All You Need To Know About RJ Mahvash

10 July,2021 03:15 PM IST |   |  BrandMedia

RJ Mahvash has successfully got her two books published which include a novella and a poetry book available on many online and offline stores internationally as well

RJ Mahvash

What is life? Is it unpleasant? Is it something promising? Is it full of excitement? When it comes to life, we visualize everything.

And sometimes, after one downfall or breakdown, we assume it to be over. But in reality, life gives you an infinite number of opportunities to shine.

"We have unlimited vacancies in this one life" and so is the belief of RJ Mahvash, a radio jockey in Delhi. RJ Mahvash is the first female Prankster of India whose prank videos are fetching millions of views on social media platforms. She is the digital sensation of India these days. She has completed her Masters in Mass Communication from AJK MCRC from where celebrities like Shahrukh Khan, Kabir Khan, Barkha Dutt have passed.

At this early age, where people are still struggling hard to find their ways in life, she has successfully got her two books published which include a novella and a poetry book available on many online and offline stores internationally as well.

Well, travel makes one modest and RJ Mahvash is a perfect example for that. A lady as young as 24, has travelled so many countries and dreams to explore the entire world. She is totally a woman of her dreams.

RJ Mahvash is popularly known as "mirchimahvash", first came in limelight during a controversy with Deepak Kalal where she could seen throwing Kalal out of the studio for passing some serious sexist remarks. She has always taken a stand for women and she is taking the entire social media into another journey of exploring the strengths of women through her videos and raising voice for crimes against them. She has proved herself to be a star of real life.

The radio jockey says, "Don-t be afraid to try something new. Because people who troll you, they don-t have their own existence. So help them and let them feel powerful from your existence".

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