Acne scars are often stubborn. They sit on the face for months and even years. Coffee, apple cider vinegar, potato starch — nothing seems to deter these scars. This forces us to believe that the spots might never disappear. That’s not entirely true
Updated On: 2023-09-25 06:20 PM IST
Compiled by : Aakanksha Ahire
1. Chemical peels:
This treatment seeks to remove the top layer of skin and stimulate collagen production.
2. Microdermabrasion:
Under this treatment, professionals opt for exfoliation to improve skin texture and reduce scarring.
3. Microneedling:
A cosmetic procedure that involves the use of needles to stimulate collagen production and help improve scar texture.
4. Laser therapy:
This targets specific scar types and promotes collagen remodelling.
If you wish to consider alternatives to professional treatments and surgeries, Tolat recommends over-the-counter topical products (administered to the skin) having ingredients like retinoids, vitamin C and niacinamide that can help fade scars gradually.
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