World Autism Day: Famous personalities with autistic traits

Some of the world's most successful people were born or diagnosed in later life with autistic disorders like Asperger's syndrome and Tourette's. On World Autistic Day, we look at such renowned names.

Updated On: 2019-04-02 05:25 PM IST

Daryl Hannah
The Hollywood actress in September 2013, revealed that she has Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism. She often rocked herself back and forth to soothe herself while in uncomfortable situations, which is known as stimming or self-stimulatory behaviour. During her childhood, medical professionals recommended that the 'Kill Bill' actress be institutionalized and medicated.

Courtney Love
American singer-actress and wife of the late legendary grunge rocker Curt Cobain was diagnosed with mild autism at age 9. In past interviews, she has discussed her poor academic performance while at school, struggle to make friends and poor social skills.

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is associated with autism by many doctors since the Apple genius’s death in 2011. The revelations are based on studies on his behavioural quirks as his obsession with perfection, his general lack of empathy when dealing with others and his unorthodox ways of thinking.

Bill Gates
Researches monitored Bill Gates closely and state he displays autistic traits like short and monotoned speech patterns, avoiding eye contact on the rare occasion he speaks directly with someone else. These are all common characters of those on the spectrum.

Albert Einstein
Researchers in the UK believe that eminent scientist and physicist Albert Einstein, displayed classic signs of Asperger's syndrome. They point to Einstein's eccentricity, social ineptitude in early and later life, obsession with complex topics and passionate attitude as definite traits.

Tim Burton
The noted Hollywood filmmaker's possible autism was discovered by his then partner and frequent collaborator, actress Helena Bonham Carter while she was researching for her role in a TV film in which she played a mother to four autistic children. Carter says she he feels Burton has some of the character traits of Asperger's syndrome like extreme intelligence despite lacking in social skills.

Dan Aykroyd
The veteran Canadian actor revealed to have had Tourette syndrome as a preteen, which was successfully treated with therapy as well as mild Asperger syndrome, which did not exist as a medical term at the time. He revealed the idea for his 1984 hit film 'Ghostbusters' was actually inspired by his Asperger's. This was because one of his symptoms included an obsession with ghosts and law enforcement. Aykroyd would carry a police badge with him all the time and was obsessed by ghost hunter Hans Holzer.

The famous Italian painter had a Lango's single-minded work routine, unusual lifestyle, limited interests, poor social and communication skills, obsessional behaviour, a fiery temper, and the propensity to be a loner, which could be high-function autism or Asperger's syndrome, say some researchers. Michelangelo's biographer Ascanio Condivi had observed that he was indifferent to food and drink, eating "more out of necessity than of pleasure" and that he "often slept in his clothes and ... boots."

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The Austrian composer, who was considered a child prodigy due to his ability to listen to music and then replay it after only hearing it once, reportedly had repeated facial expressions and a tendency toward jumping. His hearing was particularly intense and sensitive that loud sounds often affected him physically, making him sick. These behaviors have been regarded by some as auditory and motor fits or tics and their presence has been used to support the diagnosis of Tourette's syndrome or an autism spectrum disorder.

Charles Darwin
The well known Darwin’s theory of Evolution’ was a path changing innovation by the revolutionary scientist Charles Darwin. Leading doctors studied the nature of Darwin believe that he suffered from autism too.

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