Yoghurt mask and arrowroot: Lesser-known monsoon hacks for frizzy hair

07 June,2024 11:56 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Ainie Rizvi

From mayonnaise to yoghurt hair masks, hair gurus share natural remedies to tackle monsoon woes. Embrace the beauty of your hair with these simple and natural tips to tame frizz and attain smoother, silkier locks

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For Mumbaikars, monsoons are a welcome respite from the scorching summer heat. While it's kind to the planet, it has proven to be harsh on the skin and hair if not taken care of properly.

Have you ever noticed how your hair becomes unruly and dry while your scalp turns oily during the rainy season? Well, those are the gifts of the monsoon and mind you, not the kind that you can pack and parcel to the next person.

With clouds lurking, and a cool nip in the air - rains are not far from us, bringing with them the inevitable monsoon woes. But fret not as we spoke to three hair experts who reveal nature-backed, handy hacks to carry those locks in style.

Desi nuskhe for hair care
For the Andheri-based expert Uzma Edroos from Shimmers Cosmetics Pvt. Ltd, coconut oil serves as an essential remedy for hair care during monsoon. Edroos indulges us over her ‘dadi's desi nuskhe' for achieving lustrous and nourished hair:

1. Switch to avocado and honey masks. These masks are another excellent option for deep hydration. They infuse the hair with essential nutrients and moisture needed to keep dryness at bay.
2. Apply coconut oil to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. This exercise deeply nourishes and hydrates the hair, making it softer and shinier for the days to come.
3. Tame those frizzy curls with apple cider vinegar. Mix one part of apple cider vinegar to two parts of water. Rinse your hair with this solution after shampooing to tame frizz and restore the natural pH balance of your hair.
4. Next, calm your scalp with aloe vera gel: Use aloe vera gel as a leave-in conditioner. It adds moisture to your hair while soothing and calming your scalp, preventing itchiness and irritation.
5. Opt for gentle hair care by reducing the frequency of hair washes with shampoo. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week with a sulphate-free shampoo. This prevents the natural oils from being stripped away, keeping your hair healthy and hydrated.

Avocado and honey mask

Hair experts swear by cold rinses and suggest finishing your showers with a cold rinse. This helps close the hair cuticles, adding shine and reducing frizz.

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Lifestyle tweaks
Edroos recommends updating age-old drying and hydrating techniques to prevent hair damage:

Air drying: Whenever possible, allow your hair to air dry instead of using heat tools. This minimises damage and keeps your hair healthier.
Heat protectant sprays: If you must use heat styling tools, always apply a heat protectant spray to shield your hair from damage.
Microfiber towels: Switch to using microfiber towels, which reduce friction and prevent hair breakage during drying.
Silk pillowcases: Sleeping on silk pillowcases can significantly reduce hair frizz and breakage.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water daily. Hydration from the inside out is crucial for maintaining the overall health and hydration of your hair.
Regular routine: Consistency in your hair care routine is essential for achieving and maintaining healthy hair. Stick to these practices regularly to see the best results.

Lesser-known techniques to manage frizzy hair: Yoghurt masks, silk pillows and wide-tooth combs

In an interaction with Bhavin Bheda, the business head and hair technician at Cadiveu, he shares valuable insights on how to conquer coarse hair using natural solutions for better manageability. He emphasised that while coarse hair can be challenging, it can be tamed effectively with the right approach.

One of his top recommendations is to focus on deep conditioning treatments. Regularly using hair masks, such as those made with mayonnaise or yoghurt, can provide the necessary hydration and nourishment to soften and smoothen the hair texture. Additionally, avoiding harsh chemicals and opting for gentle, sulphate-free cleansers can help maintain the hair's health and natural oils.

For detangling, Bhavin suggested using a wide-tooth comb while in the shower with conditioner applied. This technique helps minimise breakage and makes it easier to manage coarse hair. After showering, applying a leave-in conditioner can further enhance manageability, keeping the hair soft and tangle-free throughout the day.

Yoghurt mask

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Bhavin also highlights the importance of styling methods that do not rely on heat. Embracing diffusers for blow drying can help distribute heat evenly, while braid-outs or bantu knots offer effective heat-free styling options that add texture and definition to coarse hair.

Finally, Bhavin recommended making simple lifestyle changes, such as swapping a cotton pillowcase for a silk one. This switch can significantly reduce friction and frizz while sleeping, helping to maintain smoother, more manageable hair.

Simply your hair care routine with expert-backed tips
Seethala Karipineni, the founder of Saka Organics reminds us that "Taking care of your hair and skin during the monsoon season doesn't have to be complicated. It's all about simplifying the process."

One of the major issues faced during monsoons is an oily scalp and frizzy hair. To address this, she recommends using oils infused with natural and plant-based ingredients like amla, tulsi and onion. These natural elements help balance scalp oil and reduce frizz by nourishing the hair and scalp deeply.

"Regular application of these enriched oils can improve the overall health of the hair, making it more resilient to the humid weather conditions typical of the monsoon season," remarks Karipineni.

Hidden gem: Arrowroot

Additionally, using a dry shampoo powder containing arrowroot powder can significantly help manage greasiness. Arrowroot powder absorbs excess oil effectively, providing a clean and fresh look without the need for frequent washing. By returning to our roots and utilising the recipes our grandmothers used, we can achieve natural and sustainable hair care solutions.

Arrowroot powder

For skin, monsoons often cause clogged pores and oily T-zones, leading to acne breakouts. In such cases, she recommends using a bath powder containing Multani Mitti, also known as Fuller's Earth. When mixed with condiments like curd or milk, Multani Mitti creates a rejuvenating mask that cleanses the skin thoroughly and keeps it clear.

This combination not only absorbs excess oil but also provides essential nutrients to the skin, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion. These simple, time-tested solutions are her go-to methods for maintaining healthy hair and skin during the rainy season. By turning to these natural remedies, experts affirm that one can effectively combat the skin and hair care challenges posed by monsoon season.

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Disclaimer: This information does not replace professional medical advice. Consult a qualified specialist for personalised guidance.

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