International Yoga Day 2024: Must-try yoga asanas for professionals to combat desk job fatigue

21 June,2024 02:51 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  Ainie Rizvi

Desk gigs can sneakily sabotage our health. Neck pain, stiffness, mental fatigue and worse a prolonged backache. Dive into small tweaks you can make to combat desk job fatigue

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Desk gigs can sneakily sabotage our health. Neck pain, stiffness, mental fatigue and worse a prolonged backache. A recent study by the National Institute of Health reveals that sedentary work can reduce blood flow to the brain, leading to impaired concentration and lowered energy levels. Amid such packed schedules, we tend to forget the perks of a simple pranayama.

Not only does it alleviate stress but also boosts blood circulation. Yoga expert Chittrah Kanal, from coto (a women-only social app) shares that "Prioritising such crisp yoga breaks is the key to a balanced and healthier lifestyle. By incorporating short and targeted sessions, working professionals can integrate yoga into their daily lives to combat the perils of hectic work hours."

On International Yoga Day, we dive into effective yoga asanas that can help us combat dipped energy and desk job fatigue. Experts share with us effective yoga routines; specific yoga poses to combat strain and resources for guided yoga sessions.

Quick and effective yoga routines to help alleviate stress and improve focus
In the midst of a busy workday, finding moments to reconnect with yourself is essential. Integrating quick and effective yoga routines can seamlessly enhance your wellbeing, alleviate stress and sharpen your focus, shares Dr Arun Pillai - Wellness Director, Dharana at Shillim.

Arun lays out 5 thoughtfully designed yogic asanas that offer a refined approach to energising your mind and body, allowing you to return to your tasks with renewed vigour:

Desk shoulder opener: Clasp your hands behind your back and lift slightly while opening your chest. This counteracts the hunched posture from prolonged sitting.

Seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana): While seated, stretch your arms forward and reach towards your toes. This pose helps relieve tension in the back and shoulders, promoting relaxation.

Neck stretches: Perform gentle neck rolls and stretches. Move your head slowly from side to side and then forward and backward. This can help reduce stiffness and improve blood flow to the brain, enhancing mental clarity.

Wrist and finger stretch: To counteract the strain from typing, stretch your wrists and fingers by interlacing your fingers and pushing your palms forward. This helps alleviate tension in your hands and forearms.

Deep breathing exercises (Pranayama): Taking 3-5 minutes for deep breathing exercises can quickly alleviate stress and improve focus. Techniques such as abdominal breathing or alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) can be discreetly practised at your desk.

Small tweaks you can make to combat desk job fatigue
Combatting desk job fatigue involves implementing small but effective tweaks throughout your workday. First, ensure your workstation is ergonomically optimised: adjust your chair height so your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are level with your hips to promote proper posture.

Your computer monitor should be at eye level to reduce strain on your neck; use a document holder to keep materials at eye level as well. Additionally, incorporate regular breaks into your schedule to stand, stretch and walk around every hour or so. This not only reduces strain on your back and neck but also improves circulation and boosts energy levels.

For your hands and wrists, position your keyboard and mouse so your wrists remain straight and your hands are at or slightly below elbow level. Consider using a wrist rest to support your wrists during typing breaks. Perform
simple stretches and exercises for your hands and wrists throughout the day to prevent repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

Yoga poses beneficial for counteracting the physical strain of long working hours
Incorporating specific yoga poses into your daily routine is essential for counteracting the physical strain of long hours spent at a desk. These carefully chosen practices shared by Arun, enhance flexibility, promote circulation and reduce tension in the back, neck and shoulders.

Cat-cow pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): This sequence relieves back and neck strain. On your hands and knees, arch your back (cow pose), then round it (cat pose). Repeat for a few minutes.

Seated twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana): While seated, place your right hand on your left knee and twist your torso to the left. Hold for a few breaths and repeat on the other side. This alleviates lower back tension.

Standing forward bend (Uttanasana): Stand up and bend forward at the hips, letting your head and arms hang down. This improves circulation and stretches the hamstrings and back.

Downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): During longer breaks, start on your hands and knees, lift your hips to form an inverted V-shape. This rejuvenates the body by stretching the back, shoulders, and hamstrings.

Legs up the wall pose (Viparita Karani): Lie down and extend your legs up a wall. This restorative pose reduces swelling in the legs and feet, promoting relaxation and circulation.

Disclaimer: This information does not replace professional medical advice. Consult a qualified specialist or your physician for personalised guidance.

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