28 March,2014 08:55 AM IST | | The guide team
Last week, Twitter celebrated its eight anniversary. As the number of followers increase with every passing minute, the guide handpicks a list of some of the famous tweet-worthy accounts to follow on the popular microblogging website
#Mumbai masala
Follow this Twitter account to know everything about Mumbai. You can either go to @BombilTimes Twitter page or use the hashtag of the day (#BombilMonday / Tuesday / Wednesday, etc) to know what's happening in the city in real time.
If you are looking for something new happening in Mumbai, follow them right now. It may not have a very huge following at the moment, but @MumbaiCandid is worth following to know about recent events, new openings, contests and lots of interesting updates.
This is a small community of foodies looking to make new friends in Mumbai and Pune over a series of food meet-ups.
Follow the famous New York Times Op-Ed columnist and author for a global view on all things economics.
This former chief evangelist at Apple is a good source for some life-inspiring quotes and insights from the Silicon Valley.
All things
Looking for some cool insights on Bollywood - those that come without interference from the celebrity PRs. Expect lots of rambling and fist-fights, mostly with people.
On #cricket
Comedian-turned-cricket columnist, Andy Zaltzman offers a side of cricket that most miss in the seriousness of the game.
Stay updated with all things cricket, including winners, losers and matchfixers.
special mentions #weird, #wtf facts
Based in India, @wtfcrazyfact is your go-to-guy for some of the weirdest facts about people, places, objects and even cartoon characters.
#books, #literature and #language
Punsr is a game where you re-define words with jokes/puns. To play just tweet - #punsr WORD: (funny definition here). So, if you are into word puns follow @punsr and connect with thousands of pun-lovers across the world.
Run by Maria Popova, founder of the website Brainpicker.com, @brainpicker is your go-to-person for things you weren't aware of. She is also the editor of @brainpickings and @explorer.
Do you find most short stories too long to read? You're in luck as @veryshortstory stories aren't longer than 140-letters. Expect a totally new side to literature with this masterstroke of really, really short stories. Also, follow @arjunbasu for more of these stories.
All things #tech
@wired, @slate and @mashable
Follow the above three for news, views and reviews on all things tech, on a global scale. Their stories are in-depth, well-researched and mostly non-biased.
Follow@marscuriosity to know all about NASA's Curiosity Rover.
#Newsy #humour
He describes himself as an armchair thinker, excessive drinker and occasional writer, who wants to lose weights. Expect everything served with a generous dose of humorous dressing. His tweets poke fun at everyone - left wing, right wing, no wing, and those in power or with no power. Number of followers is above a lakh.
With over 58k followers, follow this Chicken Tandoori fan for random humour on everything that should matter, but doesn't. He also runs the website Roflindian.com, and is on Facebook, too.
His fields of expertise is wide right from exploring reasons behind hairloss among men to offering free advice to governments on effective use of human resources. With over 6,000 followers, he is easily one of the rising stars on Twitter.
#history in photographs
Created by 26-year-old Alwyn Collinson, this is a six-year project that aims to tell everything on World War II, as it happens on this date and time in 1944, and for two years to come.