07 July,2013 10:02 AM IST | | Punam Chavan
When Sasha Masand started Indian-voice-overs.com (IVO) in 2006, the country did not have any platform where Voice Over (VO) artiste and prospective clients could meet. Nor were there any training centres for aspiring VO artiste.
Now, after training VO artiste and filmmakers, Masand is gunning for a share of the lucrative corporate pie. Throughout June and July, indian-voice-over.com's communication experts will be available to train and guide corporate executives from across Mumbai who want to improve their voice modulation and speech patterns while overcoming shyness in front of the mic and become convincing communicators.
Students being taught communication techniques
"In today's increasingly professional work environment, the ability to effectively communicate a message verbally is fast becoming a priceless quality for people from all walks of life," says Masand. The day-long workshops will be held on June 22, July 13 and July 27 at IVO's studio in Vashi, where leading VO artists with international experience such as Dipti Divekar, Kedar Dunakhe and Manish Dongardive will train the delegates.
"The Verbal Communication and Presentation Skills Workshop is open to all corporate executives. One can learn the art of effective communication from our select panel of trainers and understand how to enhance the spoken word, to better your overall verbal communication skills. This workshop has been designed for people who talk for a living such as those in sales and marketing, lawyers, professors and even radio jockeys," says Masand.
Masand should know, having worked in Hong Kong for more than a decade as a VO artist and then starting IVO in 2006. "IVO emphasises on quality rather than quantity. Our website has just 200 registered users. We have made a conscious effort to register experienced VO artistes on our website," says Masand
Besides providing a platform to skilled voices, IVO also provides courses to train the aspirants to develop their communication skills. The syllabus is designed by Voice Master UK and Masand. It is based on Hudson voice technique.
"This technique uses seven elements, including voice modulation and breathing, share information which is easy for the participant to retain, says Masand. Surely India Inc can pick up a lesson or two about effective public speaking from these men and women!
More about the workshop: www.indian-voice-overs.com
Call: 9890211666 (Mumbai), 9350188055 (Delhi)