National Post Day 2023: How these enthusiasts are reviving the joy of letter-writing

On National Post Day, October 10, meet a few postcard and letter-writing enthusiasts doing their best to revive the forgotten joy of hand-written notes

Updated On: 2023-10-10 10:43 PM IST

Compiled by : Editor

An envelope ready for the post.

DIY postcards
For Anamica Jain, a Bengaluru-based digital marketer, postcard writing holds the core memories of a moment in time or a place travelled to, through the photograph, writing, stamps used, and date signed. With Christmas approaching, Jain will kickstart her annual secret Santa-like swap called Sleigh Mail where participants from across the world, or within India, will be allotted an address to mail, and receive a postcard from a secret Santa, too. Log on to @postcardsfromindia

We’ve got mail
To get his nephews hooked on to the hobby of writing letters, Yash Shah began designing kits for them — complete with stamps, unique postcard designs and pens.

Shah met his fiancée, Shraddha Malviya, an automotive engineer from Amravati, through the postcard community. Malviya began writing postcards during the COVID-19 lockdowns to bring joy and messages of hope to people.Log on to @millennial.daak.ghar and @yrspostcrossing

Draw me a postcard
As a child growing up in Kerala, Tawfik Manham, London-based designer and storyteller, would include his drawings and scribblings in his mother’s letters to his father working abroad. Later, when he moved to another city, he would write letters to his friends to stay connected. Marrying his love for drawing and handwritten notes, he would create his own postcards. His Postcard Per Day platform — started in 2015 to draw and write a postcard daily as well as take requests for postcards — offered him the goal and platform to cultivate this hobby. Log on to @tawfikmanham

Shopping for cards
Along with co-conducting Sleigh Mail and hosting postcard-writing workshops, Anushka Sawarkar Hubli, who shuffles between Pune and Thane, has also curated a list of shops to buy postcards. Hubli began writing postcards and letters a few years ago when the telegram service was permanently stopped. Not wanting to miss out on the beauty of personal and physical mail, she looked for the thing closest to it — a handwritten note, and found a community of enthusiasts to help her hobby. Log on to @anushka.postcards

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