Over 8 in 10 Indian professionals plan to invest in upskilling in FY25: Report

25 June,2024 05:16 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  IANS

Among key sectors, the intent to upskill in FY25 was highest among professionals from manufacturing, engineering, capital goods, and BFSI

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Over 8 in 10 (85 per cent) Indian professionals are planning to invest in upskilling in FY25, a new report showed on Monday.

According to global ed-tech company Great Learning, the purpose of upskilling among freshers has grown by 8 percentage points, standing at 83 per cent this year as compared to 75 per cent in FY24.

Among key sectors, the intent to upskill in FY25 was highest among professionals from manufacturing, engineering, capital goods, and BFSI.

"To stay competitive in this dynamic environment, continuous learning and upskilling are crucial to adapt and evolve. It is encouraging to see professionals adopting a proactive approach to navigate this disruption by acquiring specialised skills to meet evolving employer demands," said Hari Krishnan Nair, Co-Founder, Great Learning.

The report surveyed over 1,000 professionals to unearth key trends and factors influencing the upskilling preferences of Indian professionals in the coming year.

About 79 per cent of professionals highlighted upskilling as necessary for future-proofing their careers in FY25.

Bengaluru and Chennai have displayed the highest intent to upskill this year compared to other metros in India, the report mentioned.

Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning emerged as the most preferred domains professionals are looking to upskill in FY25, followed by Software Development and Digital Marketing.

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