Proud mom Sana Khan recently took to Instagram to share an intimate glimpse of her newborn baby boy. Sana and her husband, Anas Saiyad, named their precious bundle of joy Tariq Jamil and have wasted no time in introducing him to the beauty of the Quran. Through a series of heartwarming videos shared on her Instagram Stories, Sana revealed the first moments of Tariq's life and the spiritual connection they are cultivating.
In the first video, Tariq can be seen nestled in his crib, adorned with a delightful mobile hanging above. Soft plush clouds and stars sway gently above him, creating a soothing atmosphere. Wrapped in a cozy blanket, Tariq displays his mild restlessness while the mobile seems to play a serene aayat from the Quran. Sana expressed her joy and commitment to nurturing her baby's spiritual growth by captioning the post, "Introducing my baby to the Quran from day 1."
In another heartwarming video, Tariq's tiny hand can be seen clutching his father's finger, forming an endearing bond. Sana captioned the post with the words, "With Baba @anas_saiyad20, (sic.)" exemplifying the love and unity within their growing family.
Sana, best known for her appearances in Bigg Boss 6 and Salman Khan's film Jai Ho, made the decision to step away from her acting career before marrying Anas in November 2020. Since then, she has wholeheartedly embraced her role as a mother and embarked on this new chapter with immense joy and dedication.
Through these heartfelt videos, Sana not only celebrates the arrival of her beautiful baby boy but also emphasizes the significance of instilling spiritual values in his life from an early age. The clips exude warmth and tenderness, capturing precious milestones and the blossoming bond between parents and child.
As Sana embraces the joys and challenges of motherhood, her fans and well-wishers are overjoyed to witness this special chapter in her life unfold. The introduction of Tariq to the Quran reflects the profound values and traditions that Sana and Anas hold dear. Sana Khan's heartfelt Instagram posts have allowed her followers to catch a glimpse of her newborn baby boy, Tariq Jamil, and witness the early steps taken to introduce him to the beauty of the Quran.