Tina Dutta on Mohit Malhotra: We have concluded to make a new start

07 March,2019 08:43 AM IST |   |  IANS

Tina Dutta had alleged that her Daayan co-star Mohit Malhotra touched her inappropriately during the shoot of their show

Tina Dutta

Tina Dutta, who alleged that her Daayan co-star Mohit Malhotra touched her inappropriately during the shoot of their show, says they have now "ironed out the differences".

"Mohit and I have ironed out the differences. We have concluded to make a new start. I don't have any issues working with him. Our on-screen chemistry works for the show and (we) shall maintain a professional environment for the betterment of the show," Tina, popular for the show "Uttaran", said in a statement.

"I am happy that our audience has liked the show ('Daayan') and I am sure this new start will be appreciated by all and will put a rest to any further speculation," she added.

Tina had earlier claimed that Mohit was warned by the makers to keep his behaviour in check. The show "Daayan", a supernatural drama series, is created by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms.

Tina said the feedback to the show is "amazing" and that the association with Ekta is "great".

"She is a creative producer and every work of her has something unique in it. Her shows are always amazing and it's great to associate with her," she added.

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