Naga Chaitanya, the versatile Telugu actor, is all set to embark on his 23rd film, tentatively titled NC23, and the anticipation surrounding this project is growing day by day. Chandoo Mondeti, the acclaimed director, will be at the helm, marking their third collaboration after the successes of "Premam" in 2016 and "Savyasachi" in 2018. The film is being produced by Bunny Vas under the prestigious Geetha Arts banner.
In a recent update that has stirred up excitement among fans, it is speculated that Sai Pallavi, renowned for her role in "Fidaa," has joined the cast of NC23. These speculations arose after a promo video was released by the production house, featuring the producers, director, and the Custody actor discussing the film with a woman whose identity remained concealed. The caption accompanying the video read, "The widely adored and loved lady joins the voyage of NC23." This cryptic hint has led netizens to suggest that the mystery actress is none other than Sai Pallavi.
As for what we know about NC23 so far, the film's preparations have already commenced. Chaitanya and director Chandoo Mondeti recently visited the K Matchilesam village of Srikakulam to immerse themselves in the local culture and lifestyle of the fishermen community. It's reported that Naga Chaitanya's character in the film hails from this fishermen's community in a small town in Andhra Pradesh.
The Love Story actor has expressed his excitement for the film, describing it as being based on true events. Preparing for the role has provided valuable insights into the lifestyle and body language of the fishermen, as well as the texture of the village.
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Beyond NC23, Naga Chaitanya is set to make his web series debut with "Dootha," directed by Vikram Kumar and featuring a talented ensemble cast. Meanwhile, Sai Pallavi, best known for her role in "Premam," is busy with various projects, including an upcoming film with Sivakarthikeyan helmed by Rajkumar Periasamy, rumored to be a biographic drama.
As these two talented actors come together for NC23, expectations are running high, and fans eagerly await further details about this intriguing film and its rumored star-studded cast.