Sean Penn: ‘Won’t have my heart broken’

25 June,2024 07:10 AM IST |  Washington  |  Agencies

Reflecting on his love life, Sean Penn claims he is now happy to be single

Sean Penn

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Hollywood star Sean Penn has spoken about how his perspective on romance changed and hopes he doesn't have his heart broken again.

"I'm just free. If I'm going to be in a relationship, I'm still going to be free, or I'm not going to be in it, and I'm not going to be hurting," the star, 63, said in an interview.

"I don't sense I'll have my heart broken by romance again," added Penn, who was previously married to Madonna from 1985 to 1989. In 1996, the actor married Robin Wright, with whom he shares a daughter and a son. The couple opted for separation and got divorced in 2010. Penn then tied the knot with Australian actor Leila George in 2020, their divorce process was finalised in April 2022.

While reflecting on his love life, he recalled instances where "the first thing I see in the morning are [their] eyes wondering what I'm going to do to make them happy that day. Rarely reciprocated. On one of my marriages, the background noise of life was a [Real] Housewives of Beverly Hills or Love Island. Not even being in the room - I'm not saying this to be cute - I was dying. I felt my heart and brain shrinking. It was an assault,"he said.

Penn has said that the "friends in the female department, [who are] beautiful, wonderful people, wonderful with their partners or wonderful on their own, [have shown him that] relationships don't have to be dramatic or draining."

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