No energy for challenging roles, admits Jeremy Renner

25 June,2024 01:00 PM IST |  Washington  |  Agencies

The actor had previously stated that the public sees him in a different light following his accident

Jeremy Renner. Pic/AFP

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Actor Jeremy Renner, who was seriously injured in an accident in January 2023, says the incident has changed the face of his career.

Renner, who is best known for playing Hawkeye in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), shared on a podcast, "I just don't have the energy for it [challenging characters]. I don't have the fuel. I [only] have so much fuel to put into this reality and this body. I can't just go play make-believe right now. Because it takes a lot of time to get right here every day just so I can have a positive thought, progress, and always keep growing."

After the incident, Renner took some time off before returning to work. He resumed acting to shoot the third season of Mayor of Kingstown, the crime thriller TV series. He said it was the ideal way to mark his return to work. Renner said, "I still struggle with it sometimes. I don't take it super seriously. I'm in a character that I can do well, and I know the show well. So, it was easy for me to slide back into it. But if it was a challenging role, I couldn't have taken it. Not challenging because the show is challenging, but it is if I had to go play Dahmer [2002] or something so fSar from me."

The actor had previously stated that the public sees him in a different light following his accident.

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