JK Rowling denounces Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson over transgender comments

12 April,2024 07:32 AM IST |  Washington  |  ANI

Rowling`s stance reflects her long-standing opposition to certain aspects of the trans rights movement, which has garnered both praise and criticism in equal measure

JK Rowling, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. Pics/AFP

In the midst of renewed controversy surrounding transgender rights, famed author JK Rowling has once again found herself at the centre of a heated debate.

This time, her targets are none other than the stars of the Harry Potter franchise, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Rowling's latest comments come in response to a recent report commissioned by the NHS, which critiqued the standards of care for gender-variant youth.

The report obtained by The Hollywood Reporter highlighted significant concerns about the lack of evidence supporting current gender care treatments, including puberty blockers. Paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass, who led the review, emphasised the need for more research into the long-term effects of such interventions.

Taking to social media, Rowling wasted no time in expressing her views on the matter.

In response to a follower's suggestion that Radcliffe and Watson might seek forgiveness for their public support of transgender rights, Rowling was unequivocal, "Not safe, I'm afraid."

She accused celebrities of aligning themselves with movements that undermine women's rights and called for their apologies to be directed towards those affected by gender transitioning.

Rowling's stance reflects her long-standing opposition to certain aspects of the trans rights movement, which has garnered both praise and criticism in equal measure.

Her comments reignite a rift that emerged in 2020 when Radcliffe and Watson publicly voiced their support for transgender individuals.

Radcliffe asserted that "Transgender women are women," while Watson affirmed that "Trans people are who they say they are." Their statements clashed with Rowling's views, sparking debate within the Harry Potter fan community and beyond.

The controversy surrounding Rowling's stance on transgender issues has also impacted her relationship with Warner Bros., the studio behind the Harry Potter film franchise. Despite plans for a reboot of the saga as a TV series, Rowling's outspoken opinions have cast a shadow over the otherwise lucrative partnership.

As the debate rages on, it remains to be seen whether Rowling's steadfast stance will further fracture her relationship with her former stars or if there's room for reconciliation in the magical world they once shared.

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