Chris Brown investigated for alleged rape in Paris

22 January,2019 05:00 PM IST |   |  IANS

The 29-year-old R&B star is currently under investigation by French police after a 24-year-old woman claimed he sexually assaulted him in his hotel room between January 15 and 16

Chris Brown

Singer Chris Brown has again landed himself in trouble with the law after being accused of rape in Paris.

According to French publication Closer, the woman said in the report that she and the "Turn Up the Music" hitmaker met at a club located near Les Champs-Elysees. The alleged victim said she followed Brown to the hotel where he stayed and where he reportedly raped her.

The police opened a case and are currently investigating the woman's complaints. Brown and his representative have not responded to the rape allegation.

He infamously assaulted his then-girlfriend and singer Rihanna in 2009. He pleaded guilty to a felony and accepted a plea deal. He was sentenced to five years of probation, one year of domestic violence counseling, and six months of community service. Many criticised the punishment, which was deemed not severe enough despite the injuries he caused on the "Diamonds" hitmaker.

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