Actor Sonam Kapoor immediately comes to mind when you think of the most fashionable diva in show business. With her iconic fashion statements, she revolutionised the fashion business in her own unique way. Sonam adorns both ethnic and Western clothing, all in exciting designs, incredibly feminine forms and vibrant hues. So, it should be no surprise that we often look to her for style inspiration. On her birthday (June 9), we take a look at 5 iconic fashion ideas Sonam gave that are adored by every fashionista in the country.
Updated On: 2023-06-08 04:23 PM IST
Compiled by : Sneha Singh
Shine bright: Bright colours alone might sometimes be enough to boost an outfit. While slaying this vivid yellow dress with ruffles, Sonam proves this in the true sense.
Pearly white: Sonam mesmerised everyone by dressing up in a pearl white sari with beautiful silver embroidery. She paired it with a white dupatta that had intricate white resham embroidery on one shoulder.
Vibrant prints: Kapoor Ahuja is a master at stealing the show, whether it is summer or winter. Are you as smitten with this bright colourful coordinated set as we are?
Dazzles in anarkali: From Western outfits to traditional ones, Sonam knows how to carry them with perfection. The actress looked stunning in yellow anarkali with a golden print. Along with it, she chooses a pink dupatta that was embellished with mirror work. She accessorised her ethnic style with dangling earrings and several gold rings.
Stripe in style: Stripes are anything but dull, so reconsider! With this gown, the diva has proved that one can make these stripes look uber cool.