After keeping her fans and Insta fam glued to her IG stories and feeds with her stunning vacay photos, Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan is finally back in the city. Bebo who jetted off to South Africa last week along with her actor-husband Saif Ali Khan and her two little munchkins, Taimur and Jehangir (better known as Tim and Jeh), spent some quality time with her pack and enjoy the wilderness at its best. After bidding goodbye to Africa, the star couple, Kareena and Saif, is now back in the Bay. In the early morning on Wednesday, Kareena and Saif along with their adorable sons were spotted making a stylish entry at the Mumbai Airport as they returned from South Africa. The power couple made heads turn as they arrived putting their best fashion foot forward in their casual, comfy yet chic outfits.
Updated On: 2023-03-22 11:49 AM IST
Compiled by : Sneha Singh
Bollywood actors and one of the biggest celebrity couples in showbiz, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were spotted at Mumbai airport along with their kids, Taimur and Jehangir, in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
After getting up close with the wildlife in South Africa and spending quality moments with each other, the Pataudi clan was papped while returning from their much-talked-about family vacation.
The family looked picture-perfect as they arrived at the airport in style. Kareena and Saif were accompanied by their adorable sons, Taimur and Jehangir, lovingly known as Tim and Jeh. While mommy Kareena walked out of the airport exuding all sass and glam, daddy Saif was seen holding the hand of little Tim while making an exit.
Ticking all the right boxes, Bebo made a stylish entry as she pulled off a chic beige co-ord set with all elan. To complete the look, the 'Veere Di Wedding' star topped up her beige co-ord set with a cool off-white scarf. She sported white sneakers which went pretty well with her overall airport look. To accessorise her airport look, the actor wore a red smartwatch and a pair of black sunglasses. The B-town beauty appeared bossy as she walked off with a stunning black handbag in hand.
Meanwhile, Kareena's actor-husband, Saif Ali Khan kept it simple with a basic rust orange t-shirt and slightly printed black track pants. Like her wife, the 'Omkara' star completed his airport look with white sneakers and black sunglasses.