Bollywood top stories: Hrithik Roshan in 'Brahmastra' 2, Vidya Balan reacts to Ranveer's 'nude' photoshoot

People’s messiah Sonu Sood gets duped for reel. mid-day 43rd anniversary special: Saw actresses being given small vanities, says Taapsee Pannu. mid-day 43rd anniversary special: Kareena Kapoor Khan’s next stop, production. Have you heard? A special new role for Hrithik Roshan in Brahmastra Part 2? 'Hume bhi aankhein sekhne dijiye': Vidya Balan on Ranveer's 'nude' photoshoot

Updated On: 2022-07-29 08:25 PM IST

A collage of top Bollywood stories

The latest buzz in town is that after Deepika, it is Hrithik Roshan who has been approached to essay Mahadev, the key character in the sequel. Read full story here

Irked at the gender bias prevalent on set, new producer Taapsee Pannu started offering uniform-sized vanity vans to artistes on her productions. Read full story here

Returning to the screen after earning praise for his heroic acts during the lockdown, Sonu Sood to play victim of cyber crime. Read full story here

The progression to production is natural for the actor who has made her mark in the industry over the past 21 years. Read full story here

Vidya gave a hilarious response when she was asked if she liked Ranveer's naked pictures and what she thinks about it. Read full story here

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