In pictures: 8 Bollywood heroines who played cops

As Rani Mukerji's Mardaani 2 hits theatres today, here's a look at actresses who have played the role of a tough woman cop in Bollywood.

Updated On: 2016-03-06 09:45 AM IST

In pictures: 8 Bollywood heroines who played cops

Rani Mukerji: Rani Mukerji is back with the second instalment in the Mardaani series. Rani as a strong-headed, bold cop is impressive and her portrayal of a no-nonsense police officer in the first film was superb. Mardaani 2 focusses on the rise in violent crimes by juveniles in India. In this instalment, Rani Mukerji, aka Superintendent of Police Shivani Shivaji Roy, has been pitted against a young yet dangerous villain.

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