It's Hrithik Roshan's birthday today. As the actor turns 46 on January 10, 2020 we bring you a collection of some rare, candid pictures of the Bollywood star from his younger days.
Updated On: 2019-07-14 08:05 AM IST
Circa 2000! Hrithik Roshan, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Aishwarya Rai come together at a Diwali celebration organized by the Bombay Police late October 24, 2000. (Picture courtesy/AFP)
A September 2000 photo shows Hrithik Roshan, 26, with his girlfriend Sussanne Khan, 23, who is set to be married on December 20, 2000, in Bangalore. Police in the southern India town of Bangalore have enforced tight security for the impending marriage to be held at a luxury resort owned by the bride's film star father Sanjay Khan. (Picture courtesy/AFP)