Shah Rukh Khan along with director Atlee and co-stars Vijay Sethupathi and Deepika Padukone attended a press conference to celebrate the success of Jawan with the media and fans based in Mumbai. During the interaction, the superstar addressed his 3-year-long break from films and returning with Pathaan earlier this year. He recalled how his elder son Aryan and daughter Suhana motivated him to make a comeback and work harder than before.
Shah Rukh said, "I have not worked for a long time. I take everything positively. I was very nervous since I hadn't worked for a long time. Returning to a film set after 3 years itself was very new. I was feeling different. The whole thing was my elder son Aryan told me, "We knew when we were growing up what stardom in the air feels like because your films were hits." The daughter (Suhana) said, "I know it too". They said, "But the little one (AbRam) knows you are a star but never seen or felt it in the air. So, for the next 5 films, please work very hard, and make him feel it in the air. He'll love you, and respect you."
He further confirmed the release date of Dunki, dismissing reports of a delay. "God has been very kind. We had Pathaan. God has been even kinder with Jawan. I always say that we started with an auspicious day of Republic Day and then came out with Jawan on Janmashtami. Now, as the new year and Christmas will come, we'll bring Dunki. I'm a symbol of national integration. When my films release, it feels like Eid," he shared.
Shah Rukh added, "I'm working hard. Working harder than I worked in the last 29 years. Inshallah, I'll be working harder. Now, I seek joy in people's happiness and see whether they love watching my films. I've become gentler and selfless as an actor than I was. Earlier, I would only focus on my work and performance. Now, I just want to make people happy. Pray that I get every film right. I'll work harder and make sure it happens."
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Dunki is directed by Rajkumar Hirani and co-stars Taapsee Pannu.