In an exciting turn of events, the highly anticipated trailer for the movie 'Merry Christmas' made its grand debut on Monday, sending waves of joy through the hearts of fans who were eager to witness Katrina's return to the silver screen. However, amidst the buzz surrounding the trailer release, renowned filmmaker Karan Johar chose a new platform to express his concerns about a potential clash with his own production, 'Yodha.' Taking to Threads, a new app introduced by Instagram, Johar raised questions about the lack of communication, stating, "Clashing on a date without the courtesy of a phone call is hopefully not the way forward for the studios and producers... If we don't stand united in these tough and challenging theatrical days, then calling us a fraternity is futile."
The response from the film industry was swift, with filmmaker Onir taking to Twitter to seemingly address Johar's complaint. Onir expressed his viewpoint, saying, "Big Bollywood releases get so upset when there is another big-budget release on the same day and they talk about how we should all care for each other in the industry. But don't think for a second when they deprive a small-budget indie film of a tiny number of good shows to survive."
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Johar's remarks have ignited a conversation within Bollywood, highlighting the persistent clash between big-budget productions and smaller independent films struggling for visibility and screen time. While big releases often emphasize the need for industry unity, the actions of some major players seem to contradict these sentiments, leaving independent filmmakers at a disadvantage.
The issue of release date clashes has been a long-standing concern in the film industry, impacting box office performance, audience attention, and the overall success of films. As more movies strive to carve out their space in an increasingly competitive landscape, clashes between high-profile productions only add to the complexity of the situation.