Bollywood is well versed in the rift between popular singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya and King Khan Shah Rukh Khan. Recently, the 'Woh Ladki Jo' singer opened up about his rift with the superstar and revealed the real reason behind not singing any more songs for him. Abhijeet mentioned that he was not given credit, even when everyone else on the set was credited for their tasks, even a tea vendor. At that moment, the singer questioned his decision,' Why should I be your voice?'
When asked about having any grudges against the DDLJ actor, the singer replied that Shah Rukh Khan is now a huge star who is reaching new heights of stardom and popularity every day. The singer further said that the actor himself does not realise the level he is at and now he is just a huge star and not a human being anymore. On the contrary, Abhijeet said that he is growing at his own pace in his unique way. He mentioned that no one needed to apologise for whatever happened because they both are almost the same age and have huge egos. "He is over 60 and I am 5-6 years older than him."
Abhijeet Bhattacharya and Shah Rukh Khan's collaborations have given the audiences some of the best songs. From DDLJ's Zara Sa Jhoom Loon Main to Om Shanti Om's Dhoom Taana, wherever the two have joined hands, it is never less than iconic. Films like Chalte Chalte, Duplicate, Baadshah, Yes Boss, and Billu also feature their collaborations.
Abhijeet Bhattacharya on not-so-good a time working with AR Rahman
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Abhijeet isn't happy with Dua Lipa performing Levitation x Woh Ladki Jo?
Abhijeet often finds himself amidst controversies and recently he was furious about the credit issue during the recent Dua Lipa concert when the IDGAF singer sang a mashup of 'Levitating x Woh Ladki Jo'. Fans in the crowd could not contain their happiness during this moment but Bhattacharya feels that the song is being associated with Shah Rukh Khan only as if he voiced the song. The singer feels that his due credit has been snatched from him and only the actor is being given the credit. Bhattacharya's son, Jay, also spoke about this issue as he took to Instagram stories to express his rage and frustration.