Rahul Roy shares video with sister Priyanka after speech therapy sessio

11 December,2020 02:55 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online correspondent

Through his latest video, Rahul Roy assured his fans that he is recovering and is doing better now.

Rahul Roy (Picture courtesy/AFP)

Rahul Roy is on a road to recovery. The actor, who suffered a brain stroke while shooting for Nitin Kumar Gupta's film LAC: Live The Battle in Kargil, is undergoing speech therapy every day in order to regain normal speech. Sharing a video on Instagram, from Wockhardt Hospital, with his sister Priyanka, Roy assured his fans that he is doing better.

He wrote in the caption, "Just completed my speech therapy at the hospital. Kuch shabd mere lab se. With my sister @priyankaroy_pia. With each day I am Getting there. Lots of love."

Rahul Roy had earlier shared a video on Instagram, where he was seen with his sister and brother-in-law. The video saw Rahul's brother-in-law Romeer Sen and sister Priyanka Roy saying how the actor is recovering and will be back to work soon. They thanked fans for their love and prayers, on behalf of Rahul Roy.

"I am recovering. And thanks to all my friends, family and fans who are also like my family for pouring so much of love and prayers for me. Will be back soon. Love you all -- Rahul Roy," the 52-year-old actor wrote on Instagram.

Recalling the incident, LAC: Live The Battle's director Nitin Kumar Gupta told IANS, "Actually Rahul sir had finished shooting for his part on the 23rd but wanted to stay back for a few more days because Kargil is beautiful at this time of the year. On the 25th evening, he started complaining, saying he is unable to form sentences. We immediately took him to a doctor and a CT scan was done but the report was normal. However, the doctor insisted that he should be taken to Mumbai for a thorough check-up without delay. The next day we left for Mumbai. The road from Kargil to Srinagar was covered with snow, so we took him in a helicopter arranged by the District Magistrate and from Srinagar he was flown to Mumbai. He was admitted to Nanavati hospital the same night."

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