10 Tips How to Make Your Cut Flowers Live Longer

10 April,2024 06:40 PM IST |  Mumbai  | 

Pretty, fragrant, flowers are a thoughtful gift for a nature lover or anyone who loves beautiful décor. However, you want to ensure that these flowers stay fresh for a long time.

Below we have some techniques that can help keep those flowers fresh for a long time.

Taking Care of Flowers Delivered in a Vox Box

The flowers delivered in a water-filled vox box are the easiest to look after. Vox boxes are portable flower vases in which the florist arranges flowers. These vox boxes are filled with water that is already mixed with flower food. All you need to do is keep adding freshwater to the vox box. There is no hassle of unwrapping the flowers or cutting the stems. The flowers can be left in the vox itself or can be transferred to a different vase if needed.

Caring for Fresh Cut Flowers

If it's a delivery of fresh flowers or picking up flowers from the garden to put in a vase, caring for fresh-cut flowers is trickier than just putting them in water. Listed below are some ways in which you can keep flowers in a vase fresh for at least two weeks.

Clean the Vase

The vase in which the flowers are going should be scrubbed well using a brush, adding a small amount of white vinegar, bleach or any alternative natural cleaner (do not add vinegar AND bleach as this creates toxic fumes. One, or the other, never both). This practice kills bacteria and germs that may infect the water as bacteria can lead to the reduced life span of flowers.

Using Flower Food

Many brands sell water-soluble flower food that can be used to put in the vase. This helps the buds open better and the flowers last longer.

There are many homemade remedies that people suggest to keep flowers fresh, like adding aspirin, lemonade, or old coins to the water in which the cut flowers are placed. Do not ever follow these old wives' tales, as they are ineffective and make the water murkier.

Leaving Flowers Unwrapped in Water

If you have received fresh-cut flowers wrapped in plastic or any other wrapping paper, it is advisable to put them in water for a few hours while still wrapped. This will prevent the flowers from being damaged when they are being rearranged as the stem and flowers will have soaked up enough fluids.

Some florists also use hot water to treat some flowers like Hydrangeas, Roses and Chrysanthemums. These flowers can be revived by putting them in hot water. However, florists are trained and they know what the temperature of water should be, how deep, and for how long the flowers need to be kept in hot water for the best results.

Using Clean Tools to Cut Stems

Before being put in the water, the stems of the flowers need to be cut at an angle using a clean sharp knife. The angle cut prevents the water stems from sitting at the base and allowing maximum water intake.

Removing Leaves from the Stems

Leaves should be removed from the part of the stem that will be submerged in the water. This is done to prevent the rotting of leaves as they pollute the water and are toxic to fresh blooms.

The Right Location Matters

The flowers should be displayed at a location not only where they would look the prettiest but also where they are safe. The flowers should not be put directly under the sun or in front of the air conditioner or draught as it will lead to wilting. Also, flowers must never be kept on top of electric appliances.

Keep Flowers Away From Fresh Fruit

Keeping flowers near fruit will lead to them dying quickly. Fruits release ethylene gas that directly impacts flowers.

Regular Re-cutting of Stems

To make sure the flowers last longer, their stems should be cut on a regular basis and they should be kept in fresh water after each re-cutting. This helps in removing the dead or decaying tissues in the stem, thus helping the flowers live longer.

Caring for Flowers in an Oasis

An oasis is a foam that is used in floral arrangements in which the flowers are stuck. Florists put water with dissolved flower food in the oasis to ensure that the flowers continue drawing fluid through the stem. Usually, the oasis comes with instructions. However, the only thing that is needed to do in an oasis flower arrangement is to add water to it daily as it dries out quickly.

Following these tips can help any flowers in any kind of arrangement look great for a long time. Enjoy the flowers when you have them. Enjoy their beauty and fragrance, watch the buds bloom and feel good about having them.

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