Poetess Anamika Jain Amber hosts several Poetic show

03 January,2022 10:10 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  BrandMedia

There was a time, not long ago, when most people could only identify a few poets. In recent years, there has been a dramatic change in the age of poetry.

Anamika Jain Amber

Amber Anamika Jain Versatility is abundant lady. Anamika Jain Amber, a poetess with equal rights in all aspects of Hindi poetry, is quickly becoming the first choice of Hindi speakers and listeners worldwide.

Anamika Jain Amber is a Poetess with Energetic Consciousness.

Her poems have all of the hues and angles of poetry. She has presented over 500 Poetry Shows and performed several Live Poetry Shows, which she continues to do with zeal. Though her poetry has always been in the hearts of people and is experiencing the waves of entertainment genre is gaining new significance in today's popular collective imagination, Anamika Jain Amber presents poem among the people in a way to impress.

Many award-winning poet Anamika is an inspiration to many new authors, and her poetry have continued to act as public awareness via social media. "There's a certain conviction that many times poetry converses with actual, living society, it's been a major thing, and It is a fantastic moment to be alive in the world of poetry," Anamika Jain Amber remarked. "After presenting over 500 episodes, its audience for its poems and shows has grown year after year, and as an anchor on Zee News' famed poetic show Kavi Yuddha, recognized about 350 poets and poetess." "We've seen many thousands more listeners turn to poetry as an interest and to help make sense of this period, particularly during the epidemic."

Poetry provides the one permissible way of saying one thing and meaning another.

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