05 March,2024 06:32 PM IST | MUMBAI | BrandMedia
Ajay Kumar Arora
The Central Government through the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the appointment of Ajay Kumar Arora to the post of Joint Secretary (Arbitration & Conciliation) through Lateral Recruitment in the Department of Legal Affairs.
The appointment was made on the recommendations of the Union Public Service Commission. Arora, previously served as Deputy General Manager at the National Hydro-electric Power Corporation (NHPC) Ltd, a Public Sector Undertaking and is known for his stellar track record in arbitration, having secured numerous zero awards for NHPC. He has also received the Exemplary Service Award from the Minister of Power RK Singh in 2021.
Lateral recruitment is part of the Modi government's ambitious plan to infuse private sector talent and perspective in the Governmental machinery in order to improve ease of governance and efficiency in administrative performance. Ever since its inception, lateral entrants have been playing a pivotal role in policy formulation in the Modi Government.
Arora will be serving as the first ever Joint Secretary (Arbitration & Conciliation) in the Ministry of Law and Justice. The appointment further highlights the agenda of the Central Government in making India as an international hub for dispute resolution.