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That 70s Show actor Danny Masterson charged with raping three women

Updated on: 18 June,2020 01:28 PM IST  |  Washington D.C

The charges of rape by force or fear were announced by the Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey on Wednesday.

That 70s Show actor Danny Masterson charged with raping three women

Pic courtesy/Danny Masterson's Instagram account

'That '70s Show' actor Danny Masterson was charged with the rapes of three women in the early 2000s, Los Angeles prosecutors said Wednesday. According to E! News, the incidents took place in the year 2001 and 2003.

The charges of rape by force or fear were announced by the Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey on Wednesday. According to reports by E! News, the complaint against the 'That '70s Show' actor accuses him of allegedly raping a 23-year-old woman between January and December 2001 followed by another rape allegation of a 28-year-old woman in April 2003.

The third case allegedly occurred between October and December 2003 when he invited a 23-year-old woman to his Hollywood Hills home and allegedly raped her. "Masterson is innocent, and we're confident that he will be exonerated when all the evidence finally comes to light and witnesses have the opportunity to testify," E! News quoted Masterson's attorney as saying.

"Obviously, Masterson and his wife [actress Bijou Phillips] are in complete shock considering that these nearly 20-year old allegations are suddenly resulting in charges being filed, but they and their family are comforted knowing that ultimately the truth will come out. The people who know Masterson know his character and know the allegations to be false," the statement continued.

If the 44-year-old actor gets convicted in the case, he will face a 45-year-long state prison.

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